1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Social Science 1 312 History ol Recent and Contemporary America - W 4 hours An intensive study of the domestic and foreign policies of the. United States in the twentieth century. Particular emphasis is upon the emergence of the nation as a world power, the progressive movement, World War 1, the prosperity decade, the great depression, the New Deal, World War II, and post-war problems. (Alternate, odd years) 320 Modem Chinese Hi1>tory - A 3 houro A survey of Chinese history and thought in the twentieth century. 400 Seminars in Hi1>tory 5 houn1 A. Research in United States History - SP B. Research in European History - Su All majors are required to take either A or B. Each student will prepare a formal mono– graph. Prerequisite: Majo;s or Minors in History. 404 History of Chri11tianity: Pre-R1:1formation - A 4 hour1> A survey of ancient and medieval church history, with emphasis given to doctrinal and in- stitutional developments. (Alternate odd years) 405 Great Power Diplomacy in the Modem World - W 5 houri> An examination of international relations in the era of nationalism, colonialism, revolution and ideological conflict. Emphasis is given to the origins and development of contemporary world crises. (Alternate odd years) 411 lnterpretatiom1 in American Hi1>tory- A 5 hour1> A study of selected historical problems in American History with the emphasis placed upon new interpretations and their impact. (Alternate, odd years) B. SOCIOLOGY 230 Principles of Sociology - A 4 hours An introduction to the concepts of sociology. The structure and processes of social life are studied. 240 Marriage and the Family - A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours A study of the scientific knowledge which exists about mate selection, the courtship proc– ess, and the adjustment problems of marriage. 332 Criminology - W 4 hours A study of the nature and causes of crime with emphasis upon methods of prevention and treatment. Prerequisite: Sociology 230. 333 Soci111I Stratification - Sp 4 hours A study of the class structure and its implications for American society. Prerequisite: Soci– ology 230. 431 Introduction to Social Work - A 3 hours A survey study of the nature and function of social work as related to individuals, groups, and communities. Prerequisite: Sociology 230. 432 Social Casework - W 5 houro An introduction to the general principles and methods of social casework used by social workers in various types of agencies and organizations. Prerequisite: Sociology 431. 440 Seminar in Sociology - Sp 5 hours A study of sources and methods of sociological research. Each student will prepare a for– mal monograph. C.GEOGRAPHY 251 World Regional Geography-WHtem Hemisphere F 5 hours A survey of various regions in the Western world with an emphasis on the cultural, eco– nomic, and political developments in relation to the geographical"environment. 252 World Regional Geography-EHtem Hemil'lphere - W 5 hours A survey of various regions in the Eastern world with an emphasis on the cultural, eco– nomic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. (Alternate, even years)