1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Speech Communications 11 SP 133 SP 231 SP333 SP332 LL 221 SP 460B Program Production ............................................................ .4 Broadcast Research Systems ...............................................3 Broadcast Advertising and Sales ..........................................3 Broadcast Law .....................................................................3 Introduction to Journalism ....................................................5 Seminar: Philosophy of Christian Broadcasting ........................................................................3 SUGGESTED OUTLINE FOR MAJOR IN BROADCASTING/COGNATE: GENERAL Degree Requirements: General Education Requirements: Major: Electives: MAJOR REQUIREMENTS: Core courses: Broadcast Clinic: Advanced Broadcast Clinic: Independent Study: 192 quarter hours (60 upperdivision) 84 quarter hours 70 quarter hours 38 quarter hours 33 hours 6 hours/maximum 6 hours/maximum 4 hours 49 hours/possible An additional 24 quarter hours from the following courses as recommended by the advisor: ·:'SP 232 - Theories of Mass Media - 5 hrs. BE 220 - Introduction to Philosophy - 5 hrs. BE 242 - Missions Survey - 4 hrs. BE 243 - Evangelism - 3 hrs. BA 231, 232 - Principles of Economics - 5 hrs. each quarter •:'LL 232 -Advanced Rhetoric and Composition - 3 hrs. or ':'LL 302 - Creative Writing- 3 hrs.