1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Speech Communications 11 Requirements for Political Science Minor: ..............................................24 Electives in Political Science (for Major): .................................................8 Principles of Economics (for Major): ....................................................... .4 Principles of Sociology (for Major): ......................................................... .4 Electives: ...............................................................................................15 Total Hours: 192 Breakdown of hours by category: General education requirements: ..........................................................84 Major requirements: ..............................................................................69 Minor requirements: ..............................................................................24 Eleclives: ...............................................................................................15 Total hours: 192 11 0 Fundamentals of Speech A, W, Sp 5 hours A normal prerequisite for other courses in speech, the fundamental course offers theory and practice in basic speech skills for extemporaneous speaking, discussion, debate, and the use of voice and action in oral interpretation of prose and poetry. Students gain extensive training in public speaking as an art. 123 Voice and Diction ~ W 3 hours Special training in voice usage for speaking is balanced with an emphasis upon the correc– tion of deviate voice qualities and imperfect enunciation. 130 Introduction to Broadcasting~ A 3 hours An overview of the background, principles and techniques of broadcasting. Provides an in– troduction to the beginning, growth and regulation of broadcasting. The structure of broad– casting, current criticism of the media, and the use of broadcasting by Christians are also discussed. Broadcasting majors must take the course concurrently with Audio Control Tech– niques. 131 Audio Control Techniques A 2 hours Instruction and training are offered in the operation of electronic equipment used in broad– casting. Emphasis is upon radio with some TV. The course is open to non-majors. Broadcast majors must take the course concurrently with Introduction to Broadcasting. Credit/no credit 132 Broadclll!lt Announcing~ W 4 hours This course examines all types of announcing and applies each to use in both radio and television programs. Emphasis is on the use of the voice as a tool for communication of ideas on a one-to-one basis. Prerequisite: Sp 123 133 Program Production Sp 3 hours The roles of director and sound engineer are emphasized in this course, which is designed to introduce the student to the techniques of working with the other members of a production staff while developing various types of programs for broadcast. Prerequisite: Sp 131. 134 Sportsclll!lting ~ W 2 hours A study of methods of sportscasting coupled with practice which concentrates on cover– age of major sports including basketball, football, and baseball. Interviewing techniques and news formats for sportscasting will also be covered. Open to all students. (Credit/No credit). 140 Private Speech A, W, Sp 1or2 hours Private Speech is designed to give instruction which will help the student develop. and im– prove his ability in speaking. This study will give the student opportunity to perfect oral interpretation, for recital, public performance or competition in the fields of Speech. This course may be elected by those wishing to correct speech defects by developing new speech patterns. Problems to be considered include: faulty articulation, stuttering, breathy voice, strident voice, irregularities arising from a cleft palate, and other speech-related prob– lems. By permission of instructor only. (Credit-no Credit) Up to six hours