1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Speech Communications 11 322 Persua11ive Thoory - W 5 hours Methods of applying contemporary communication theories on attitude, involvement, and change, are combined with classical positions on the principles and methods of persuasive communications. Attention is given to the study, analysis, and delivery of persuasive speeches in a free society. The student is given background in the rhetorical criticism of logi– cal, emotional and ethical proofs. Interpersonal communications problems, methods, and theories are dealt with. 323 Organizational Communication - Sp 3 hours A study of the usage of communication for the organizational structure including parlia– mentary procedure, problem solving, discussion, and committee structures for the person potentially involved in either private or corporate organizations. The course will include the– ory and practice in both inter- and intra-organizational communication. 330 Advanced Broadcast Clinic - A, W, Sp 2 hours An advanced workshop in radio - See SP 230. Repeatable to a total of six hours. Prereq– uisite: 130 and 230 (Credit/No Credit) 332 Broadcast Law - W 3 hours Systems of legal development and present legal requirements imposed upon the media are studied from an historical perspective. Emphasis is placed upon court decisions on First Amendment freedoms for the broadcast media. (Alternate years) 333 Broadc11111t Advertising and Sale11 3 hours The sales structure of broadcasting, including the roles of salesmen, sales management and sales promotion, is examined. Research principles are applied to sales and the creative work in advertising, including copywriting, are explored. Prerequisite: Sp 232. 334 Broadcast Journali11m - W 4 hours With an emphasis upon writing broadcast news, the course also deals with interviewing and structuring news programs. Newscasts and news programs will be studied and devel- oped. (Alternate years) 343 Principles of Play Directing - Sp 4 hour; A study of methods used in the direction of dramatic presentations with some practice in– cluded. Prerequisite: SP 141 350 Homiletics 5 hours Practice of the skills necessary to the preparation and delivery of sermons of the topical, textual and expository modes is gained along with a study of the theory involved. Students gain practical experience in speaking situations. Prerequisite: Sp 110 and BE 260; Jr. or Sr. Status. 353 Hi1lltory of Preaching - W 3 hours The development of homiletic systems is studied with emphasis upon great preachers throughout history. Trends and styles in sermon presentation will be examined. 360 Teaching Speech A, Sp 2 hours To be taken by majors seeking certification in speech, the course involves discussion of methods directly related to the speech discipline. The course is supplemental to ED 300. 411 Hi11tory of Public Addre1u1 -A 5 hours Classical through contemporary rhetorical systems and theories are studied and analyzed from the perspective of the rhetorical critic. The development of rhetoric is traced from the Greek period to the present and the student is encouraged to develop further expertise on a particular period of his own choice. Analysis is made of the part that rhetoric has played in the development of philosophies and nations. 420 Advanced Intercollegiate Debating - A, W, Sp 2 hours Varsity intercollegiate competition in debate. See SP 320. Repeatable to six credit hours. Prerequisite: SP 320 (six credit hours) 430 Internship in Broadc11111ting-A, W, Sp, Su 12-15 hour11 One quarter of work in a commercial or non-commercial radio or television station, or the programming department of a regular program service is coupled with supervision approved by the department to help the student become proficient in his area of specialization. By per– mission of the supervising station, the department chairman, and the coordinator of broad– casting only. Senior majors only.