1979-1980 Academic Catalog

11 Cedarville College 434 Advanced BmadcHt Joumali11m Sp 3 hour11 Building upon Broadcast Journalism, the course emphasizes newsgathering and reporting techniques which are unique to the electronic media. Documentaries and "in depth" news stories will be developed by the students. Prerequisite: SP 234. (Alternate Years) 442 Advanced Oral Interpretation W 3 hours An advanced study in oral interpretation is gained from literary analysis of prose, poetry, and drama. Prerequisite: 242. 443 Dramatic: literature A 4 hour11 An emphasis upon the relationships among styles, theory, criticism, and dramatic con– struction is gained from a survey of major drama, playwrights, dramatic critics and theorists from the Greek period to the present. This course can be applied to meet English or speech requirements, but not to meet both fields for the same student. 456 Advanced Homiletic11 ~ Sp 4 hour11 An advanced study of sermon structure, development, and effective delivery. The course is designed to give the student practice in outlining, writing, delivery, and evaluating sermons for different types of preaching situations. Prerequisite: Sp 350. 460 Speech Sllmimu 3 hour11 Alternating courses are available to the advanced student for intensive study of some phase of speech communication field with classroom participation. A. Rhetoric and Public Address B. Broadcasting C. Homiletics 0. Special Topics Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. 470 Independent Study in Speech 1-4 houri For those with special interests and capabilities, the independent studies can be taken to secure an in-depth background into one of the areas of speech communication. The course is repeatable to a total of eight credit hours in the field.