1979-1980 Academic Catalog

1 Cedarville College taught by exceptionally well qualified faculty members of the Biblical Education Department, lends itself to preparation for service in the pastorate, missions and other related vocations. While it is recognized that many students will want to go on to seminary and other graduate schools, Cedarville does include in its curriculum a comprehensive Bible program, which includes an emphasis on missions, Christian education, and the pastorate. Pastoral and missionary internships are available. One Year Bible Program The college offers a concentrated program for that student who wants a formal education in Bible before he pursues his vocation at home or before he engages in a field of technical study, not available in a Christian school. It is designed so that the student can function as a more knowledgeable layman in his local church. Internships Many of the major fields of study include opportunities to receive credit for su– pervised on-the-job activities. PreaMedicine and PreaDental The science program at the college lends itself very well for preparation for en– trance into medical schools. The recent construction of a new science building plus a well-qualified faculty in the sciences and mathematics enable the student to face the entrance tests with confidence. Students may wish to examine catalogs from professional schools for specific requirements. Premlaw Cedarville's accredited liberal arts program provides excellent preparation for students entering law school. Because the practice of law deals with a broad spec– trum of society most law schools prefer that a student select courses from a num– ber of major areas.