1979-1980 Academic Catalog

1 Cedarville College ADMINISTRATION President, Paul H. Dixon, B.A., M.Div., D.D. Chancellor, James T. Jeremiah, B.A., M.A., D.D., Litt.D. Admini11trator11 Clifford Johnson, B.Ed, M.Ed., D.Ed., Academic Dean I /J)onald Rickard, B.,A., M.A., Dean of Studen~s · Kenneth H. St. Clair, B.S., M.S., C.P.A., Business Manager Lee Turner, B.A., M.Div., Director of Development Harold Green, Th.B., Director of Christian Service Radio Station Paul Gathany, B.A., 1st Class FCC License, General Manager Beth Boston, Secretary David Boston, 1st Class FCC License, Chief Engineer / David Rock, Program Operations Director 1 Jeff Snyder, Electronics Technician INSTRUCTION Clifford W. Johnson, B.Ed., M.Ed., D.Ed., Academic Dean May Greenwood, Secretary to the Academic Dean Ruth Ager, Typist Admi1111ion11 and Regilttrar L. Robert White, B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., Registrar and Director of Admissions Roy Kern, B.A., Associate Director of Admissions Debby Stephens, B.A., Secretary to Director of Admissions Barbara Mcintosh, Recorder , Records Clerk Marlene Clark, B.A., Students Recruitment Coordinator Maribeth Elmore, Admissions Correspondent Library Lynn A. Brock, B.A., M.L.S., Director of Library Services Stephen P. Brown, B.S., M.L.S., Associate Director of Library Services Ethel Rayburn, Secretary to Director of Library Services Linda Divan, B.A., Circulation Supervisor and Reference Librarian Cathy Ackley, Serials Library . Anita Hunting, B.A., Assistant Circulation Supervisor / Mary Filson, Media Production Supervisor Rebecca Matson, Library Clerk 1 Susan Smith, B.A., Technical Processing Clerk l April Dailey, Acquisitions Clerk Peggy Fillinger, A. V. Supervisor Academic Secretarieo Toinette King, Education Department Glenda Foulis, Athletic Director Mary Mitchell, Music Department Faculty Listed on Page 113