1979-1980 Academic Catalog

College Services and Personnel 1 STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES Donald W. Rickard, B.A., M.A., Dean of Students Virginia Kirchner, Secretary to the Dean of Students Merrilee Wagner, Receptionist Counseling Services Martin E. Clark, B.A., M.A., Ed.D., Director of Counseling Services (( Joyce Cartwright, Secretary to Director of Counseling Services Deans Patricia Bates, B.S., M.S., Dean of Women Richard Walker, B.A., Dean of Men Financial Aid David L. Gidley, B.A., Director of Financial Aid I Nova Berkenstock, B.A., Assistant Director of Financial Aid ·: Teri Dinnen, Secretary to the Director of Financial Aid Health Services Betty Bertschinger, R.N., Director of Health Service Karen Griffiths, R.N., Nurse Lucia Strobridge, Secretary to Director of Health Service Resident Hall Supervisors Bill Potter, B.A. r Tom Hopewell, B.A. Agnes Howell Qwain Hill Joan Street Beatrice Printy Deborah Hall, R.N. Student Activities ( Myron Youngman, B.A., Director of Campus Activities BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Kenneth H. St. Clair, B.S., M.S., C.P.A., Business Manager Dorothy Spencer, Secretary to the Business Manager Ida St. Clair, Receptionist Business Office Margaret Burrichter, Assistant Cashier Nancy Fissel, Head Cashier Michelle Umphlett, Payroll and Accounting Machine Operator Eileen Kaufman, Accounts Payable Eldon Sarver, B.A., Control/er Robert Beikert, B.A., Th.B., Director of Purchasing and Staff Personnel Services Bookstore Bernice Mick, Manager Harry Cole, Assistant Manager Martha Baldwin Grac;e Beikert Alberta Carr Audrey Bergen /Joyce Wagner Connie Kriel 1 Denise Gidley, Secretary