1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Faculty 1 J. MURRAY MURDOCH, Ph.D., Professor of History 1965- B.Th., Baptist Bible Seminary, 1960; M.A., Northwestern University, 1962; History Faculty Fellow, Northwestern University, 1963; Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1971. CHARLES M. PAGNARD, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music 1977- B.M., Bowling Green State University, 1970; Trumpet Student of Sidney Mear, Richard Jones, Edwin Betts and Ettore Chindioni; M.M., Eastman School of Music, 1976. DONALD A. PARVIN, M.Div., Assistant Professor of Bible 1976- B.A., King's College, M.Div., Faith Theological Seminary, 1957. JAMES R. PHIPPS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech 1968 B.A., Cedarville College, 1968; M.A., Ohio State University, 1970, Ph.D., Ohio State Uni– versity, 1975. TERRY L. PHIPPS, M.S., Assistant Professor of Biology 1978- B.S., Cedarville College, 1970; M.S., Wright State University, 1974. MARLIN L. RAYBURN, M.A., Associate Professor of Speech 1971- B.A., Wheaton College, 1947; M.A., Wayne State University, 1960. DONALD W. RICKARD, M.A., Dean of Students 1970- B.A., Central State College, 1963; M.A., Eastern Michigan University, 1968. JACK R. RIGGS, Th.D., Professor of Bible 1967- B.A., Taylor University, 1956; B.D., Grace Theological Seminary, 1959; Th.M., Grace Theological Seminary, 1963; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1968. WILLIAM R. RITER, M.S., C.P.A., Associate Professor of Accounting 1965- B.S., Cedarville College, 1964; C.P.A., State of Illinois, 1966; M.S., University of Illinois, 1971. KENNETH H. ST. CLAIR, M.S., C.P.A., Business Manager 1959- B.S., University of Illinois, 1956; C.P.A., Stale of Ohio, 1962; M.S., University of Illinois, 1963; Graduate study, University of Nebraska, 1964-65. JAMES E. SEAMAN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing and Management 1970- B.S., Cedarville College, 1968; M.B.A., University of Dayton, 1968; Ph.D., Ohio Stale Uni– versity, 1976. EDWARD E. SPENCER, M.A., Associate Professor of English 1962- B.A., Ashland College, 1947; M.Th., Faith Seminary, 1951; M.A., University of Dayton, 1968, Graduate study, Bowling Green State University, 1969-. KARL N. STAHL, M.A., Assistant Professor of Music 1977- B.S. in Mus. Ed., Susquehanna University, 1954; M.A., Teachers College, Columbia Uni– versity, 1964. LEE C. TURNER, M.Div., Director of Development 1964- Graduate, Indiana Business College, 1949; B.A. Grace College, 1959; M.Div., Grace Theo– logical Seminary, 1962. RICHARD WALKER, B.A., Dean of Men 1970- B.A., Bowling Green Stale University, 1968, Graduate Study, University of Dayton, 1977. RONALD J. WALKER, M.S., Assistant Professor of Business 1978- B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1965; M.S., University of Michigan, 1966; All work but dissertation completed for D.B.A., Kent State University. DANIELE. WETZEL, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Mathematics 1963- B.S., Morehead State College, 1955; M.S., University of Cincinnati, 1963; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1971. L.A. WHITE, Ph.D., Registrar and Director of Admissions 1973- B.S., Ohio State University, 1960; M.Ed., Xavier University, 1964; Ph.D., Miami University, 1978. Emeritus Faculty MEAD C. ARMSTRONG, D.D., Professor Emeritus of Bible 1967-75 Litt.B., Grove City College, 1929; Graduate of Baptist Bible Seminary, 1945; M.Litt., Uni– versity of Pittsburg, 1949; Graduate study, Syracuse University, 1951; D.D., Cedarville Col– lege, 1972. Address: 7873 Old Clifton, Clifton OH 45316.