1979-1980 Academic Catalog

1 Cedarville College BY AGE AND MEN AND WOMEN MISCELLANEOUS 16 years 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26-29 30+ Not Listed MEN WOMEN 0 1 10 21 121 189 120 158 104 124 84 59 22 17 14 10 11 4 9 0 17 4 8 17 41 20 TOTAL 1 31 310 278 228 143 39 24 15 9 21 25 61 BY RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION GARBC ...................................................744 Other Baptist ..........................................262 Bible Churches .........................................11 Brethren ...................................................1 O IFCA ...........................................................9 Independent .............................................45 Methodist. ...................................................8 PresbY1erian ...............................................7 Others ......................................................62 Transfers ..................................................81 Married .....................................................89 Veterans on GI Bill ....................................29 Students employed on campus 215 (Autumn only) Student-Registered Cars .........................405 Student Resident Status Dormitory .........................................1,007 Commuters .........................................178 (Men - 451; Women - 556) FACULTY AND ENROLLMENT COMPARISONS 1953-54 1958-59 1963-64 1968-69 1973-74 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 Students Faculty 102 9 164 15 501 33 865 43• 1009 51 * 1135 56* 1221 57• 1250 59• 1185 58.5* (1114 *) 'Full-time Equivalents Ratio 11.3 10.9 15.2 19.4* 19.1 * 19.3* 20.6* 20.2* 19.6*