1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Adventure in Learning 1 to enroll in the Two-Year Program which begins between their sophomore and jun– ior years of college. Veterans with more than six months of Active Duty service may, at the discretion of the Professor of Military Science, Central State University, receive credit for two years of ROTC and are allowed to enroll in the Advance Course, provided they meet all of the requirements for enrollment. The ROTC Program is normally a Four-Year Program. This program is normally taken in conjunction with other college subjects for the four years of college. How– ever, the two-year program allows the students to qualify for the Advanced Pro– gram (which pays the student $100 per month for 10 months each of the last two years of college), by completing six weeks of training between the junior and sen– ior years. Students who qualify for the program may qualify for a merit scholarship, which will pay all educational costs (tuition, books, registration, and etc.) at both schools, plus pay the student an additional $100 cash per month for 1 O months each year the scholarship is in effect. For more information visit, write, or call the Professor of Military Science at Central State University. The address is: Professor of Military Science, Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio 45384, phone number: (513) 376-761817619. Study Abroad Program of Christian Colleges (SAPOCC) Students planning intensified study in languages are encouraged to participate in the SAPOCC program sponsored by King's College, Briarcliff Manor, New York. Three different programs are offered in France, England, Germany and Spain. Ce– darville cooperates in this program with other Christian colleges. SAPOCC is a unique experience for Christian young people because it provides them with Chris– tian living, fellowship, and Christian service opportunities in the foreign country as well as an excellent academic program. Institute of Holy Land Studies Excellent opportunities are available to students who may desire a special edu– cational experience in Israel during the summer months. Information may be ob– tained from the chairman of the Biblical Education Department. Credits received are applicable to the student's academic program at Cedarville.