1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Student Life 21 Musical Organization Students with musical talents have many opportunities to participate in college musical programs, gospel teams, Concert Chorale, Symphonic Band, Brass Choir, Chamber Orchestra, and vocal and instrumental ensembles. A pep band performs at athletic contests. Student Senate The Student Senate is the representative assembly of the student body. The Senate includes officers elected annually by the student body, two representatives from each class, residence hall representatives, and a faculty advisor. The purpose of the Student Senate is to assist in providing an effective program of cocurricular activities; to work with the proper authorities, or take action in accordance with the desires and in the best interest of individual students or for the entire student body. Student Senate is to function in a manner that is glorifying to God and in harmony with Scripture and supportive of the purpose and objectives of the college and the principles on which it has been founded. Election to the Student Senate provides an opportunity to exercise democratic leadership in student affairs. The Student Senate is responsible for such fund raising projects as the student body project, the student missionary project, and Friday chapel programs. Student Senate also sponsors the annual "In-Forum" lecture series. Drama Each year the students, under the direction of a member of the Speech Depart– ment, present several major theatrical productions. These are an important part of the college's program of personality and cultural development.