1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Student Life Coin-operated laundry facilities are available in the residence halls and in the com– munity. When the college is unable to accommodate all of the students in its residence facilities, some select upperclass students are assigned to approved off-campus housing. All arrangements for off-campus housing for students under twenty-five and not living at home are made by the Student Personnel Office. Married students are responsible for providing their own living quarters. How– ever, the college will assist by recommending suitable housing which may be avail– able at the time of enrollment. Radio Station WCDR-FM is the radio station owned and operated by Cedarville College. It transmits at 90.3 megahertz with 3600 watts of power for 120 hours weekly, pro– viding programming for the entire Dayton-Springfield area. The station provides broadcasting experience for students interested in becoming involved with broad– casting as a career or as a part of their ministry. Coupled with classroom work the station offers a unique opportunity for students to learn as they assist in the opera– tion of this Christian educational radio station. Health Service The college Health Center provides student health care including preventative medicine, care of illness and injuries, and rehabilitation. A medical consultant, two full-time nurses, and a part-time nurse provide health care. The center has facilities for students who need to stay overnight.