1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College Use of Cars Freshmen will not be permitted to bring a motor vehicle with them to college dur– ing their first quarter at Cedarville. They may have and use a motor vehicle during the second and third quarters if they achieve and maintain a grade point average of 2.25 or better. Sophomores with less than a 2.00 cumulative average will not be able to have or use a motor vehicle at Cedarville. Any student who gives evidence of carelessness in the use of his car or in the payment of financial obligations may be limited in the use of his car. All cars used by students must be registered with Campus Security. All students must give evidence of appropriate insurance (including property damage insur– ance). Library Services The library is an attractive, one story, air-conditioned structure located near the center of the campus. This beautiful and functional building makes possible a number of important library services, utilizing a variety of new educational media, for both students and faculty members. The library is a multi-media center housing approximately 70,000 volumes plus an additional 10,000 volumes on microforms. Other instructional materials such as recordings, tapes, filmstrips, films, slides, and art prints are available. Along with these instructional aids the library has a full range of audio-visual equipment in– cluding tape recorders, projectors, and record players. The library has a media auditorium which will seat 125 and several smaller rooms for conferences, committees, and audio-visual material use. Within the building a Media Production Center is available which is intended to aid students in the preparation of instructional materials and to produce classroom aids for faculty members.