1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Admission and Finances his educational goal and reaffirm his Christian commitment; it should also contain a brief summary of his current Christian service activities. If a student has been away from campus for more than one year the Admissions office will send the necessary forms to up-date the application file. If college level work has been completed elsewhere a transcript of such credits should be re– quested by the student. A student who has been readmitted, after one year away from Cedarville Col– lege, is expected to complete the graduation requirements as outlined in the cata– log in current use at the time of reenrollment. Admission of Transfer Students A student who wishes to transfer to Cedarville should submit a transcript of all his credits to the Registrar for evaluation of credits and determination of status. All transfer students are required to attend New Student Orientation. Transfer students in their freshman or sophomore year are expected to com– plete the same number of Biblical Education courses as continuing students. Jun– iors and seniors must complete at least one Biblical Education course each quarter of full-time residence.