1979-1980 Academic Catalog

A Word From Ourr President Dr. Paul Dixon We are most grateful for your interest in Cedarville College. Our motto is "for the Word of God, and ... the testimony of Jesus Christ." Our Lord has wonderfully blessed us for over twenty-five years. As a Christian liberal arts college, our ad– ministrators, faculty, and staff are dedi– cated to developing the whole man. This means we are committed to training young people intellectually, physically, socially, and, most of all, spiritually. Quality and excellence best describe every facet of our college. Our ex– ceptional faculty work to provide one of the finest academic programs to be found in Christian education. You may choose from 21 major areas of study. This is coupled with our evangelistic fervor and commitment to the local church. Cedarville is training young people for the pulpit and the pew. Many of our graduates go into the ministry; others become businessmen, teachers, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, etc. They are trained in the Word to reach the world for Jesus Christ. Like the apostle Paul, we would ''commit ... to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.'' We desire to help you fulfill the purpose of God in your life. You as an indi– vidual are important to us. This catalog is designed to answer your questions. If you have others, please write to us. Better yet, plan to visit our lovely campus.