1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College Courses will not be granted transfer credit if grades are less than "C." Credits from accredited colleges are fully transferable as long as they apply to the stu– dent's course of study. Transfer students on academic suspension or dismissal may be considered for admission after they have been out of college at least one term (quarter or semes– ter) of the regular school year. When computing the grade point average for students who have credits trans– ferred from other institutions, only the work completed at Cedarville is included. All transfer students are required to complete the number of Biblical Education courses listed under degree requirements. Bible College and Bible Institute Transfer Students The college desires to cooperate fully with transfers from Bible colleges and in– stitutes, especially those transferring from schools which are members of the Ac– crediting Association of Bible Colleges. Specific information may be received from the Registrar upon receipt of the transcript. Canadian Students Canadian students must present evidence of having passed either junior or sen– ior matriculation with better than passing grades in each of the subjects specified by the Provincial Department of Education. Those who have completed Grade XIII are eligible for advanced standing. Foreign Students A limited number of foreign students may enroll. Cedarville College is approved for attendance by non-immigrants by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. All foreign students are required to deposit $2000.00 in United States currency be– fore they can be admitted. Permission for employment must be secured from the United States Government. Advanced Placement High school students who enroll in ccil<:Jge level courses during their senior year and who demonstrate successful achievement in the appropriate College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement examination may receive college credit if examination scores of 3, 4, or 5 are received. If students do less well, certain courses may be waived so that the student may enroll in more advanced courses. No limits are placed on the amount of such credit. Students participating in college level courses in high school should consult their counselors for detailed informa– tion. Veterans Training Benefits and Ech.ncational Assistance Our school is approved under Title 38, Chapters 31, 34 and 35, U.S. Code for the education of veterans and their dependents. Students under Chapters 34 and 35 are required to pay the school for all charges. The Veterans Administration in turn pays them a monthly allowance based upon their training load. Veterans under Chapter 31 are paid a monthly al– lowance and the Veterans Administration pays the school for all charges. Inquiries concerning eligibility should be directed to the Contact Office of a Vet– erans Administration Regional Office. Students planning to study under one of the education laws should receive approval prior to enrolling. A Veterans Administra-