1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Admission and Finances Scholarships Academic scholarships are available to students who have demonstrated aca– demic ability and a definite financial need. These scholarships range from $150 to $900 in amounts and also may provide an opportunity of employment with the col– lege. Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis with a minimum cumulative aca– demic average of 3.25 for upperclassmen. Freshman scholarship awards are based on high school rank, academic average (minimum of 3.25) and ACT or SAT scores. Christian character, service, and cooperation are also considered in awarding these scholarships. Athletic Grants Athletic grants-in-aid are available for qualified athletes. Inquiries should be ad– dressed to the Athletic Director. Special Institutional Grant Funds Alumni and other people who have a special interest in the growth and progress of Cedarville College have generously donated funds to help defray educational expenses of students who have special and exceptional financial needs. These funds which are listed below are under the control of the Director of Financial Aid. He will determine who is eligible and the award that will be provided according to specific guidelines for each fund. 1. Andrew Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund This fund was established in honor of Andrew, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Clark. Its purpose is to help handicapped students, wards of institu– tions such as the Baptist Childrens Home in Valparaiso, IN, and orphans. 2. Helping Hand Endowed Grant Fund Established by Miss Mabel Irvin Walker. Its purpose is to use the interest in– come for scholarships to be given to deserving and needy students. 3. Pastor Willetts Endowed Grant Fund Established by Pastor Earl Willetts. Its purpose is to use the interest income for grants to be given to students who are in good standing and have finan– cial need. 4. Jimmy O'Quinn Evangelism Award Established by Evangelist Jimmy O'Quinn. A yearly grant of $300.00 is to be given to an outstanding senior who has actively participated in a local church ministry and, if possible, in campus evangelism and gospel team evangelism, whose conduct and deportment are exemplary and who dem– onstrates financial need. 5. William M. Junk and Frances Smith Junk Endowed Grant Fund Established by Mr. and Mrs. William M. Junk for the purpose of providing to a freshman student, who has sufficient ability to be enrolled and to maintain academic progress according to the standards of Cedarville College. The student must demonstrate exceptional financial need. 6. Mark Baldwin Memorial Scholarship Fund This fund was established in honor of Mark, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Baldwin. Its purpose is to provide aid to students who, because of a physi– cal handicap, or other socioeconomic conditions, would prevent them from meeting expenses such as purchasing books or other similar costs such as supplies, transportation, personal and fees.