1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College Special Assigned" Academic Each student is assigned to an academic counselor according to his major field of specialization or interest. The student should consult with his counselor not only at registration time but also throughout the year whenever he has an academic problem or is formulating plans for changes of educational programs or proce– dures. A student with low grades in a major or minor field may be advised to select another field of concentration. Any class work taken by students at other institutions, while enrolled at Cedar– ville College should get prior approval from their advisor. Academic load A total of 192 quarter hours is required for graduation. Students should average sixteen credit hours each quarter if they wish to graduate upon completion of the twelfth quarter. Fifteen or sixteen hours each quarter is considered the normal ac– ademic load although the student is allowed to take up to eighteen hours without special permission from the Academic Dean. Students working more than twenty hours per week are not advised to carry the full course ol studies. The student's academic load is subject to reduction or limitation by the Aca– demic Dean for poor scholarship or excessive work outside ol school hours. Attendance The objectives of class attendance generally include the development of per– sonal motivation for appropriate attendance and the exposure of students to differ– ent attendance procedures. In general it is to be noted that regular attendance is necessary for the student to receive full benefit from his college experience. Since there are several different ways in which ideal class attendance may be achieved, official faculty policy allows each faculty member to determine and de– velop attendance standards which will meet the particular needs of his own class. Out of In order for students with irreconcilable conflicts to be able lo complete gradua– tion requirements on schedule, it sometimes is necessary lo allow instruction in an out-of-class setting. The following rules apply: 1. Only juniors and seniors are eligible. 2. No 100 level courses can be utilized. 3. Approval of department chairman is mandatory. 4. All exceptions need the approval of the department chairman, the faculty member teaching the class, the advisor, and the academic dean. The Grading System Grades are issued at the end of each quarter. However, first quarter freshmen receive mid-term academic warnings if their grades are "D" or "F." It is the re- 'The Registrar and Dean of Students will assign "special" students to appropriate grade level for pur– poses of student personnel records on the basis of maturity, previous school records and other related factors.