1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College 4. A student must complete every course he is taking by the end of the quarter when grades are turned in by the faculty. Any grade of "incomplete" will preclude a student's candidacy for the Dean's Honor List. The Dean's list. Published at the end of each regular quarter, the Dean's List is issued with the following requirements: 1. A student must be carrying at least 12 quarter hours, excluding "CR" hours. Exceptions are made for those enrolled in field experiences or intern– ships granting CR-No Credit and those who carry at least two courses. 2. A student must maintain a 3.25 average for the quarter. 3. There must be no "incomplete" in any course. Graduation with Honors. Upon recommendation of the faculty, a student who earns a grade point average of 3.50 will be graduated "with honor;" one who earns a grade point average of 3.70 will be graduated "with high honor;" and one who earns a grade point average of 3.85 will be graduated "with highest honor." A student must be in residence at least two full years (junior and senior) in order to qualify for honors. The Arthur Franklin Williams Award. This annual award of $100 is granted to the graduating senior majoring in the field of Biblical education. It is determined on the basis of scholastic ability, maturity, character, and spiritual leadership. The fac– ulty of the Department of Biblical Education makes the annual selection. The President's Trophy. All members of the senior class are eligible for the an– nual awards, one for men, one for women, judged on the basis of scholastic ability, character, leadership, and sportsmanship. The Administrative Committee makes the annual selections. The Faculty Scholarship Trophy. An annual faculty award is made to the grad– uating senior who has the highest cumulative grade point average. Eligibility must include 120 quarter hours taken at Cedarville College completed within nine regu– lar quarters. The John E. Kohl Music Award. This annual award for excellence is granted to a deserving junior majoring in Music. A citation accompanies the $100 gift. This memorial has been provided by Robert Trombley. Selection is made by the faculty of the Department of Music. The John E. Kohl Music Trophy. This trophy is awarded annually to a senior majoring in music. A gilt of $100 and a citation accompany the award. The trophy is given in recognition of excellence in musical scholarship, musical performance and Christian service through music. This memorial has been provided by Robert Trombley. Selection is made by the faculty of the Department of Music. The Edith Hart Milner Award. This annual award for excellence is granted a deserving junior majoring in English Literature. A citation accompanies the $100 prize. This memorial has been provided by Dr. George S. Milner. Rules of award are determined by the faculty. The Clara Monzelle Milner Award. This annual award for excellence is granted a deserving junior majoring in Teacher Education. A citation accompanies the $100 prize. This memorial has been provided by Dr. George S. Milner. Rules of award are determined by the faculty. The George Boyd Accounting Award. This $100 award is presented annually on Honors Day to a deserving junior in accounting. A citation is included in the award. The Wall Street Journal Award. This award is made annually to a graduating senior in business.