1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Academic Information The Clifford R. Maddox Memorial Awards. An annual award of $100 is granted to the graduating senior who has the highest average in the Undergradu– ate Record Examination Field tests or the GRE Advanced Tests. Oxford University Press Scofield Bible Award. An embossed Scofield Bible is awarded to the graduating senior in Bible having the highest cumulative G.P.A. CRC Press Chemistry Award. The current edition of the Handbook of Chemis– try and Physics is presented to the student with the highest average for the year in beginning chemistry. American Chemical Society Award. The Dayton Chapter of the American Chemical Society presents a one-year membership in the society, including a jour– nal subscription, to an outstanding senior chemistry major selected by the faculty. The Louise Smelser Memorial Award. An annual award of $100 given to a graduating senior woman who has manifested true Christian ideals and dedication and who plans to enter missionary service. Selection is made by the Dean of Women and the Director of Christian Service. Jimmy O'Quinn Evangelism Grant An annual grant of $300 will be awarded to an outstanding Senior who has actively participated in a local church ministry and, if possible, in campus evangelism and gospel team evangelism, whose conduct and deportment are exemplary and who, according to institutional policy, has dem– onstrated financial need.