1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College General Education Requirements Quarter hours Biblical Education ................................................................................................24 Old Testament Survey (5)''' New Testament Survey (5)''' Theology Survey (5) Baptist History (3) Two electives from any courses listed by the department in the catalog except for those under the areas of Philosophy and Religion and Bib– lical Languages. Independent studies and internships are also ex– cluded. Communication ...................................................................................................15 Grammar and Syntax (5) Principles of Composition (5) Fundamentals of Speech (5) Humanities ................................................................................................'.......... 15 Man and the Arts (5) Any Five hour Literature course Five quarter hours chosen from: Introductory to Philosophy (5), Ethics (5), Religion and Culture (5), Literature (5), Music History and/or Music Theory (5), Foreign language. (Second year, al least 5) One year foreign language"''' Physical Education ................................................................................................3 Three courses in Physical Education 101, 102, 103 Science and Mathematics....................................................................................15 Al least one course from the Biological Sciences and at least one course from the Physical Sciences and one Science or Mathematics elective Social Science .....................................................................................................14 Foundations of Social Science (5) One Course in History (4 or 5) Remaining hours (4 or 5) from Social Sciences Total Hours in the General Education Requirements ............................................86 Course Numbers and Designations The course numbers are designed to be of help to the student in selecting courses al the appropriate level. The following system is used: 1. The first digit indicates the year in which the course is normally taken. Freshmen normally take 100 courses; Sophomores 100 or 200 courses; Juniors, 200 or 300 courses; and Seniors, 300 or 400 courses. Courses be– yond the student's classification may be taken only with the consent of the instructor and the Registrar. 2. The second digit usually indicates the area within the department. 3. The third digit generally indicates the sequence followed in offering the course. A zero indicates that the course will be offered every quarter. ·•·Advanced Biblical studies courses can be substituted if the student has sufficient background. ·· "' The language requirement may be met by satisfactorily completing the 3rd Qtr. of 1st year Foreign Lan– guage at the college level, or two years of the same foreign language in high school.