1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College Evangelism .........................................3 Elective ...............................................4 TOTAL........................................... 17 WINTER New Testament Survey .......................5 Inductive Methods - Bible Study ......................................4 Book Study ........................................ .4 Elective ...............................................4 TOTAL. .......................................... 17 SPRING Theology Survey .................................5 Book of Revelation ..............................3 Book Study .........................................5 Elective .............................................. .4 TOTAL ...........................................17 A. BIBLICAL STUDIES 101 Old Testament Survey - A, Su 5 hours A survey of the entire Old Testament, giving special attention to the authorship, historical background, and the theme of each book. A study of the history of the Hebrew nation from its origin to the time of Jesus Christ. 102 New Te11tament Survey - W, Su 5 hours A survey of the entire New Testament, including the historical background of the Inter– Testament period, giving special attention to authorship, content, main events, and the un– folding of God's redemptive purpose through the Lord Jesus Christ. 201 Old Testament - Pentateuch - A 5 hours A detailed study of the five books of Moses. Attention is given to the historical material of these books, to theological problems, and to practical and homiletic values. (Alternate, odd years) 202 Old Testament - Historical Book& I - W 5 hours A study of the history of Israel from the entrance into Canaan until the end of the reign of Solomon. (Alternate, odd years) 203 Old Testament - Hi!itorical Booka II - Sp 5 hours A study of the history of Israel from the division of the kingdom of David-Solomon until the restoration after the exile. (Alternate, odd years) 204 Old Testament - Major Prophet!§ - A A chronological study of the major prophetic books of the Old Testament. The ministry of the prophets to their own times is carefully considered as well as their great predictive mes- sages, fulfilled and unfulfilled. (Alternate, even years) 205 Old Te11tament - Minor Propheta - W 5 houra A chronological study of the twelve minor prophets, their ministry in relation to Israel and other contemporary nations, and their practical message for today. (Alternate, even years) 206 Old Te11tament - Poetical Books - Sp 5 hours An examination of the distinctive characteristics of Hebrew poetry with the various forms being illustrated and explained. The doctrinal and the practical value of the books are stud– ied. Psalms is treated in detail, with special attention given to the Messianic portions. (Alternate, odd years) 207 The Four GOl!IPIJlll!I - A, Su 5 hourl!I A harmonistic, chronological study of the Gospels, setting forth the life and ministry of Je– sus Christ from His incarnation to His ascension.