1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Biblical Education 208 The Book1 of Acts - W 3 hours An analysis of the missionary outreach of the apostolic period with special emphasis upon transitional theological problems, the journeys of Paul, and the historical setting of the epis- tles. (Alternate, even years) 209 Romans and Galatians - S 4 hours An exegetical study with stress upon Paul's logical development of doctrinal themes, the relationship of Israel to God's redemptive program, and practical Christian living. (Alternate, even years) 211 The Corinthian EpistlH--: A 4 hours An exposition of First and Second Corinthians with attention given to their historical back- ground, their teachings, and the integrity of Pauline apostleship. (Alternate, odd years) 212 The Prison Epi1tlH - W 3 houri A detailed study of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon including their histor- ical setting and doctrinal distinctives. (Alternate, odd years) 213 The Thessalonian and Pastoral Epil11tlH - S 4 houri An exegesis of First and Second Thessalonians, First and Second Timothy, and Titus with special attention given to their background, eschatological features, and presentation of local church administration. (Alternate, odd years) 214 The Book of Hebrews A 3 hours An exposition of this book with stress upon the nature of Christ's priesthood, the typology of the Old Testament sacrificial system, and the superiority of Christianity. (Alternate, even years) 215 The General Epistles - W 4 hours An examination of James, First and Second Peter, the three Johannine epistles, and Jude with consideration placed upon their background, exposition of apostate teachers, and les- sons on practical living. (Alternate, even years) 216 The Book of Rctwelation - S 3 hours A detailed exposition of this book with stress upon its literary structure, its exaltation of Christ, and its outline of future events. B. PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION 220 Introduction to Philoiwphy - A, Sp, Su 5 hours A survey of the principal issues in western philosophy, covering such areas as Epistemol– ogy, Metaphysics, Aesthetics, and the major systems of philosophy. 221 History of Ancient and Medieval Philolilophy - A 5 hours A survey of men and movements in Greek and Christian Philosophy from Thales to Aqui– nas. Select, representative writings of the philosophers will be read. Prerequisite: BE 220 (Alternate, even years) 222 Hilstory of Mooern Philosophy - W 5 hours A study of the principal philosophers from Descartes through Nietzsche. The development of rationalism and empiricism with the Kantian synthesis and its results will be emphasized. Prerequisite: BE 220 (Alternate, even years) 225 Ethics - W 5 hours A study and evaluation of the major theories of goodness, obligation, and motive with the development of a consistent Christian theory of value and obligation. 226 Rctligion and Culture - Sp 5 hours An introduction to religious issues, themes and alternatives as they emerge in the historical context of Eastern and Western culture. 322 Logic - W 5 hours A study of the principles of correct and fallacious reasoning involved in traditional logic and modern logic. (Alternate, odd years) 325 Philosophy of Religion - W 3 hours An analysis of the major philosophical problems relating to religion as these have arisen in the modern intellectual millieu.