1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Biblical Education 233 Bible Geography and Customs - S 5 hours A geographical survey of the Bible lands with stress upon the topography and cultural dis– tinctives in their historical context. 232 Biblical Introduction - W 4 hours A critical evaluation of the theories concerning the origin, extent, and value of the Bible. The doctrine of inspiration, canon, higher and lower criticism, early manuscript versions, and the history of the English Bible are studied. (Alternate, even years) 332 Biblical Interpretation - W, Su 3 hours A detailed study of the basic principles of Bible interpretation. 333 Christian Evidences - A, Sp, Su 3 hours A study of the basis for and the nature of the evidences for Christianity. Stress is placed on the idea of Biblical revelation and its use in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel. 339 Bible Prophecy - Sp 4 hours A comprehensive study of the Prophetic Scriptures, with attention being given to the great determinative covenants endeavoring to discover what the future holds for the Jew, the Gen– tile World, and the Church of God. 400 Seminars 3 hours A. Contemporary Theology - A Designed to show the nature and character of the major religious trends, and to acquaint the student with the current theological situation. Prepared notes, special documentation, current books, and selected periodicals for class consideration and discussion, and for individual research. B. Archaeology - W Research in archaeology as it relates to Biblical history and literature. C. Special Topics - W, Sp Research and discussion in various areas, including pastoral problems, ministerial ethics, homiletics, theological issues, and Biblical Hebrew. 430 Independent Study in Bible -A, W, Sp, Su 1-4 hours The student will investigate a significant topic or Scripture passage of special interest with a view toward integration of knowledge. D. PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 240 Evangelism - A, W, Sp, Su 3 hours The objectives of the course will be threefold: first, to help the student become aware of his responsibility to be an effective Christian witness; second, to challenge the student to make a genuine effort in witnessing; third, to acquaint the student with the methods which may be employed and with the difficulties which may be encountered in witnessing. Particular aften– tion will be given to the many "isms" so prevalent in our modern society. 242 Missions Survey - W 4 hours A survey of the history of missions from apostolic times correlated with a study of New Tes– tament missionary principles and practices. The organization and policies of the GARBC ap- proved agencies will be examined. (Alternate, odd years) 245 Contemporary World Missions - W 4 hours A study of the development, methods, and problems of Christian missions since World War II. (Alternate, even years) 340 Baptist History - A, W, Sp, Su 3 hours A consideration of the doctrines and principles which have distinguished Baptists from ear– liest times to the present day. Emphasis of the Biblical demands upon the local church in the light of the present ecclesiastical situation.