1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College 350 Homiletics A, W 5 hours Practice of the skills necessary to the preparation and delivery of sermons of the topical, textual, and expository modes is gained along with a study of the theory involved. Students gain practical experience in speaking situations. Prerequisite: SP11 O; BE260; Jr. or Sr. sta– tus. 440 Pastoral Internship - A. W, Sp, Su 16 hours Ten weeks in a local church gaining experience in pastoral responsibilities under the su– pervision of division faculty and/or the local pastor. Five hours will count toward pre– seminary major. Prerequisite: Bible Faculty Approval. 450 Missionary Internship- Su 1-10 hours Four to six weeks on a home or foreign mission field gaining experience in actual missions activity under the supervision of the Missionary Internship Committee and a qualified mission– ary. This program is open to students in various majors, is normally taken during the summer between the junior and senior years, and cannot be counted toward the general education Bible hours. Up to three hours may count toward pre-seminary major. 456 Advanced Homiletics - Sp 4 hours An advanced study of sermon structure, development, and effective delivery. The course is designed to give the student practice in outlining, writing, delivery, and evaluating sermons for different types of preaching situations. Prerequisite: BE 350 E. BIBLICAL LANGUAGES 251-:i!52-253 Elementary Greek 5 hours each quarter The basic elements of the Greek language. Careful attention is given to grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and the reading of selected portions of the Greek New Testament. 351-35:t!-353 Intermediate Greek 3 hours each quarter De;ailed study of advanced Greek grammar, reading in the Greek New Testament, the ap– plication of advanced syntactical rules, and an introduction to exegesis. Prerequisite: BE 251-253 451-452-453 Greek Exegesis 3 hours each quarter Detailed exegesis of various books and portions of the New Testament. Emphasis is given to translation and interpretation, grammatical relationships of words and sentences, word studies, and development of exegetical skill. Prerequisite: BE 351-353 F. CHRISTI.AN EDUCATION 260 The Inductive Method of Bible Study -A. W, Sp, Su 4 hours An inductive study of a Bible book to develop the student's skill in independent Bible study. 261 Christian Education of Children - A 5 hours The presentation of the characteristics and needs of the child, organization and adminis– tration of children's departments, and the methods and materials used in each department. 264 Principles of Bible Teaching - A 3 hours A study of the biblical principles of teaching which provide a rational for methodology. (Al– ternate, odd years) 361 Educational Work ol the Church - A 4 hours The methods of organizing and administering the total educational program of the church. Consideration is given to the educational process, leadership education, and methods of counseling and supervision. 362 Christian Education ol Youth- W 5 hours Emphasis is placed on the characteristics of youth, the understanding of youth's problems, and their implications for the work of the church. Programs, leadership, materials, trends and organization of youth work within and related to the church. 365 Audio-Visual Methods - W 3 hours The methods of preparing and using audio-visual materials as aids to teaching, including commercial, projected and non-projected materials. 366 Christian Education of Adults - Sp 3 hours The presentation of the characteristics and needs of the adult, his worship, education, service, and recreation in the church and the home.