1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College 311 BusineH law - A 5 hours A study of contracts, sales, bailments, negotiable instruments, agency, employer– employee relationships, partnerships, corporations, insurance, and property. 313 Government and Business - W 4 hours A study of the governmental agencies and their effect on American business. Case studies and current events are developed to show the trends and status of various laws and regula– tions. The economic impact and dilficulties which arise in managing a business are reviewed. Prerequisite: BA231 and BA232. 314 Business Finance - Sp 4 hours A study of the practical and theoretical aspects of financial decision making. Topics in– clude cost of capital, capital structure, management of current assets, capital budgeting, sources of funds, and statement analysis. Prerequisite: BA 102 and BA 212. C. COMPUTER SCIENCE 121 Introduction lo Data Processing-A 3 hours Basic principles and procedures of manual, mechanical, and electronic data processing systems. 124 Computer Programming - BASIC - A 3 hours Principles of computer programming in BASIC. The course introduces computer graphics, word processing, data structures, sorting algorithms, computer games, and computer simu– lation with business applications in a personal computing environment using microproces– sors. 221 Computer Programming - FORTRAN IV - W 4 hours Problem solving is emphasized as algorithms and techniques useful in practical business application are introduced in programming arithmetic, logic, and data handling functions. Prerequisite: BA-124. 224 Computer Programming - COBOL - S 4 hours The course introduces the basic program structure of a high level programming language as business-oriented programs are prepared and executed. Prerequisite: BA-124. 324 System Simulation - S 4 hours Simulation is a problem-solving technique that has its greatest use in the study of models of real systems. The course introduces the principles of simulation and the application of a simulation language to studies of queuing systems, inventory systems and network analysis. Other applications to managerial planning will be discussed and each student will design and run a computer simulation model. Prerequisite: BA-211 and BA-221. (Alternate, odd years) D. ECONOMICS 131 Consumer Economics- Sp 4 hours The position of the consumer in the marketplace; practices in consumer efficiency in plan– ning, buying, using schedules, budgeting, bank accounts, charge accounts, installment buy– ing, borrowing, saving, insurance, income tax preparation and maintenance and conserva– tion of consumer goods will be emphasized. Special attention is given to housing, the automobile, medical and legal services, leisure pursuits, government services, and other ma– jor consumer purchases. 231, 232 Principles of Economics - W, Sp 5 hours each quarter A study of fundamental economic principles as an aid in understanding our free enterprise system. An emphasis on such economic concepts as production, consumption, exchange, and price distribution. 331 Money and Banking - Sp 4 hours A study of the principles of money, credit, and banking; and the operation of the banking system. Prerequisite: BA 232. (Alternate, even years) 334 History ol Economic Thought 4 hours Principal figures in the development of economic ideas and the contribution of each period of economic thought from the mercantilist to the present. Prerequisite: BA 232.