1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College Electives from Biology, Chemistry, Physics .......................................................5 HEALTH (Minor, 30) See the P.E. Division for teaching field re– quirements. HISTORY (45) SS111,2 United States History............... 1 O SS101,2,3 His. Western Civ.......................9 SS400 History Seminar ........................5 SS220 or 320 History Far East ........................3 Electives ...................................................18 MATHEMATICS (30) SM281,2,3 Analytic Geom. Cal. ................ 15 Electives from 300 or 400 level Mathematics courses ................................15 MUSIC 45 hours for Secondary 75 hours for Special 30 hours for Elementary (See the Music Division for teaching field re– quirements) PHYSICAL EDUCATION 68 hours Special or Comprehensive 48 hours with Secondary Teaching Field 35 hours with Elementary Teaching Field (See the P.E. Division for teaching field re– quirements.) PHYSICS (33) SM151,2 General Chemistry ....................8 SM271,2,3 General Physics...................... 15 Electives from SM276, 278,9 .................... 1 O POLITICAL SCIENCE (30) SS261 American Nat. Gov. .................. 5 SS262 Amer. State Loe. Gov............... .4 SS362,3 Political Theories ......................6 SS364 International Relations ..............5 SS365 Comp. European Gov. .............. 3 SS461 Political Dynamics.....................3 SS493 Seminar in Soc. Sci...................5 SALES-COMMUNICATION (30) SM120 Intro. to Computer Pro- gramming ..............................1 BA111 Intro. to Data Processing ..........3 BA261 Principles of Marketing ............ .4 BA216 Business Communication .........3 BA361 Sales Management .................. .4 BA263 Principles of Advertising .......... .4 Business Electives ....................................11 (Acceptable courses include Prin. of Accounting and World Regional Geogra– phy.) SCIENCE (Comprehensive, (90) SM104 Intro. to Cell Biology .................5 SM115 General Zoology .......................5 SM134 General Botany .........................5 SM151,2 General Chemistry ....................8 SM166 Intro. Physical Geology .............5 SM271,2,3 General Physics...................... 15 SM264 Intro. Astronomy .......................5 SS251,2 World Regional Geography .......................... 1 O Biology Electives ......................................15 Chemistry Electives ..................................12 Physics Electives ........................................5 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (36) PY260 Human Grow1h and PY160 BE220 PY264 Development .........................5 General Psychology..................5 Philosophy ................................5 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior ................................5 PY270 Educational Psychology............4 PY365 Psychology of Learning ........... .4 PY369 Social Psychology ................... .4 PY372 Psychology of Personality .........4 SOCIAL STUDIES (Comprehensive, 90) SS101,2,3 His. Western Civ.......................9 SS111,2 United States History............... 1 O SS400 History Seminar ........................5 SS220 or 320 History Far East ........................3 BA231,2 Prin. of Economics.................. 1 O IDS312 Man and His Environment.. .......5 History Elective ...........................................3 SS251 World Regional Geog. Western Hemisphere .............5 SS261 American Nat. Gov. .................. 5 SS230 Prin. of Sociology......................4 Additional hours must be taken to complete at least one of the following areas of con– centration: History-45 hrs. (includes 30 hrs. required) Economics-30 hrs. (including BA231,2) Pol. Sciehce-30 hrs. (including SS493) Sociology-30 hrs. (including SS230) SPEECH (45) SP 110 Fundamentals of Speech ..........5 SP 141 Intro to Dramatic Art .................3 SP 123 Voice and Diction......................3 SP 224 Interpersonal Communication ...3 SP 232 Theories of Mass Media ............5 SP 212 Argumentation and Debate ...... .4 SP 223 Group Discussion .....................3 SP 322 Persuasive Communication.......5 SP 411 History of Public.Address ..........5 SP 360 Teaching Speech ......................2 Electives from 210, 243, 241, 442, 443, 460, 470................7