1979-1980 Academic Catalog

The Department of Education A. EDUCATION 182-183 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers - W, Sp 5 hours each quarter A course designed to certify that the prospective elementary teacher has mastered the arithmetic skills and concepts currently taught at the elementary school level. The first quar– ter coverage includes ordinary arithmetic of real numbers and elementary algebraic con– cepts. The second quarter is devoted to a study of the metric system, informal geometry, sets and statistics. The course does not satisfy general education requirements except for ele– mentary education majors. Prerequisite: Major in Elementary Education or permission of in– structor. 201 Preliminary Student Involvement 1 hour Each student arranges 25 hours of visitation time in a public school during which he ob– serves and participates in classroom activities. A follow-up 11eport is required. 220 foundations of Education 5 hourn An overview of the field of education will be given with a particular emphasis on the philosophical, historical, sociological, and psychological foundations of education. Through– out the course, public and Christain education will be compared and contrasted. Prerequi– site: Sophomore standing. 230 Arts and Crafts in the Elementary School 3 hours Philosophy, methods and materials of art instruction. Emphasizes creative work, using sim– ple tools and inexpensive materials. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. 240 The Christian School 3 hours Purposes and practices unique to the Christain School; integrating Christain philosophy and subject matter. Historical development of Christain Schools in the United States with im– plications for present trends. 250 Early Childhood Education 5 hours A consideration of the function of pre-school education in the total life of the child includ– ing a study of the research and theory of his physical, mental, emotional, and social growth. Discussion of current pre-school and primary programs. 251 Kindergarten Curriculum and Methods 4 hours A study of purposes, content, methods and resources for teaching and learning in kinder– garten. Field experience included. 301 Preliminary·Student Involvement 1 hour Each student arranges 25 hours of visitation time in a public school during which he ob– serves and participates in classroom activities. Follow-up report is required. Prerequisite: ED201. 302 Preliminary Student Involvement 1 hour Each student arranges 25 hours of visitation time in a public school during which he ob– serves and participates in classroom activities. Follow-up report is required. Prerequisite: ED201. 305 Junior Practicum 5 hours A ten-week field experience required of secondary education students. The practicum must be completed prior to student teaching and is on a credit-no credit basis. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education program and Principles of Teaching or Music or Physi– cal Education methods. 310 Supervised field Experience 1-5 hours A one to five hour credit placement in an elementary or secondary classroom. The assign– ment is designed to give a transfer student or a student repeating other field experience an analogous experience to those of the existing teacher education classes. 315 Principles of Teaching 12 hours A combination of methods of teaching, clinical experience and field experience in second– ary schools with attention to combining the theory and practice of teaching and learning in each of the teaching fields. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program. 352 Developmental Reading 5 hours Includes basic philosophies, current practices, testing and evaluation for reading disabili– ties and corrections, and materials and methods utilized in the teaching of reading in the sec– ondary schools. Laboratory experiences included.