1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College •:•460 Methods of Teaching Physical Education & Jr. Practicum..............3 480 Organization and Administration of Physical Education ........................................................................3 SM216, 217 Human Anatomy and Physiology .................................... 10 Requirements for a Minor in Physical Education with an Elementary Teach- ing Field.* Thirty-five quarter hours. 122 First Aid and Safety Education .......................................................3 200 The Teaching of Health and Physical Education ............................4 212 Rhythmics .....................................................................................1 213, 214, 215 Tumbling and Apparatus ................................................3 362 Adapted Physical Education ..........................................................3 363 Movement Education .....................................................................3 390 Physiology of Exercise ...................................................................4 392 Kinesiology ....................................................................................3 493 Evaluation in Physical Education ....................................................3 SM216 Human Anatomy and Physiology ..............................................5 *Only one preparing for or holding a regular elementary certificate may elect this teaching field. Requirements for a Minor in Health with a Secondary Teaching Field. Thirty-two quarter hours. 122 First Aid and Safety Education .......................................................3 123 Personal Health Problems ..............................................................5 250 Community Health Concepts .........................................................3 313 School Health Program ..................................................................4 461 School Health lnstruction ...............................................................5 SM216 Human Anatomy and Physiology ..............................................5 One course from SS331, PE390, SM238, or PY264 ............................. 4-5 Requirements for a Minor in Physical Education. Twenty-five quarter hours. A personalized program will be worked out in consultation with division personnel. 101, 102, 103 Gemm11I Phy1ical Education -A, W, Sp 1 hournach quarter Students may select activities from numerous offerings each quarter 111, 112, 113 Majors Skills CIHIH - A, W, S 1 hour each quarter Activity courses designed for students of Physical Education. Special attention is given to advanced skills and teaching methods. 122 Fir1t Aid and Safety Education - W, Sp 3 hour1 American Red Cross standard first aid and C.P.R. Certificate may be granted at the com– pletion of the course. 123 Per1onal Health Problem!I - W 5 hours A study of selected personal health problems showing a relationship between the student's understandings and attitudes regarding these problems and their possible solutions. 131 Foundations of Physical Education - A 3 hours An orientation to the history philosophy and scope of modern Physical Education. 1l:lOA, & B Spor1!1 Officiating - A (Volleyball), B (Basketball) 2 hour!I Lectures, readings, class discussions, and field experience in officiating OHSAA certifica– tion may be earned. 200 The Teaching of Health and Phy1ical Education 4 hours A basic course for elementary education majors. A course structured to investigate current trends, methods of instruction and curriculum designs in health education and physical edu– cation at the elementary school level. *See requirements listed in the Education Department