1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Health and Physical Education 210 Physical Education in the Elementary School - A, W 5 hours An overview of the place of Physical Education in the elementary school curriculum with an emphasis on the study of current program content and design and teaching techniques. 212 Rhythmics - W 1 hour Games of low organization and basic elements of rhythmics and related movements in group and musical games. 213, 214, 215 Tumbling and Apparatus 1 hour each quarter A survey of the theory and practice in tumbling, gymnastics, and apparatus, with a consid· eration of teaching methods of sl<ills. Tumbling: Basic Tumbling and Free Exercise. Appara– tus I: Men- Side horse, parallel bars, low horizontal. Women - Trampoline, balance beam, Aparatus II: Men - High horizontal, trampoline, rings, long horse vaulting. Women - Vault· ing, uneven parallel bars.