1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College 250 Community Health Com::epts - A 3 hours An analysis of current community health problems and how solutions can be achieved in and through existing community health programs. 281 Introduction to Camping 3 hourn The development and scope of camping, including philosophies of centralized and decen– tralized camping, standards, administrations, and basic campcraft skills. 283 Flecreational lesdership 3 hours A survey of the recreational aspects of play for children and adults. Practical work in plan– ning and administering programs for play-grounds, clubs, schools, young people's gather– ings and camps. 313 School Health Program - Sp, W 4 hours An analysis of the scope of the school health program, including health services, healthful school living, and health instruction. 351 Conditioning of Athletes and Care of Athletic Injuries - W 3 hours The means of conditioning athletes for various sports. The care and treatment of athletic injuries with consideration given to taping, diagnosis of injuries, diet, and practical experi– ence in training-room situations. Prerequisite: PE 122 or a standard first aid card. 353 Coaching Baseball - Sp 3 hours The organization, skills, techniques, and strategy of baseball. 362 Adapted Physical Education - A 3 hourn A study of functional and physical defects resulting from physiological and anatomical vari– ations of typical and atypical students, and the psychological implications as related to the physical education program. A 40-50 hr. field experience will accompany this requirement. 363 Movement Education - Sp 3 hours An investigation of basic movement and how it can be included in the physical education programs as an instructional activity. 370 Coaching Volleyball 3 hours The organization, skills, techniques, and strategy of volleyball. 371 Coaching Football - A 3 hours The organization, skills, techniques, and strategy of football. 372 Coaching BHketball - A 3 hours The organization, skills, techniques, and strategy of basketball. 373 Coaching Track - W 3 hours The organization, skills, techniques, and strategy of track. 381 Coaching Soccer - A 3 hours The organization, skills, techniques, and strategy of soccer. 382 Camp Administration 3 hours Site selection and development, camp organization, staff recruitment, screening, selection, training and supervision. Budgets, food service, insurance, promotion and public relations. 383 Camp Counseling 3 hours Camper needs and skills, techniques of counseling, principles of program planning, spe– cial programs, and use of the Bible in camp. 390 Physiology of Exercise - W, Sp 4 hours A study of the implication of the physiological process of the body under varying circum– stances. Prerequisite: SM216. 392 Kinesiology-W, Sp 3 hours Application of the facts and principles of anatomy, physiology, and their relationship to body movement and the teaching of physical education skills. Prerequisite: SM216. 393 Principles of Physical Education - Sp 3 hours The historical development of physical education and its relation to the general field of ed– ucation, and the analysis of present-day programs and methods in terms of objectives. Pre– requisite: 131 .