1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Health and Physical Education 460 Methods ol Teaching Phyl!ical Education and Jr; Practicum -A, W 10 hours Methods of instruction, current trends and practice in curriculum planning and the utiliza– tion of teaching aids and resource rriaterials. Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Teachers Education Department. 461 School Health Instruction - A 5 hours Methods of instruction with an emphasis on curriculum planning and sequence; individual teaching experiences demonstrating the student's understanding and use of current trends in methods, teaching aids, and recourse materials. 470 Physical Education Seminar- W 1-3 hours Research problems are conducted by major Physical Education students to develop their understanding and appreciation of problems in the field and to develop skill in presenting the- ories and hypothesis for analysis in group settings. · 4110 Organization and Administration of Physical Education - A 3 hour11 The study of the principles of adaptation and selection of activities, examination and grouping of pupils, provision and care of equipment, departmental organization, mainte– nance of facilities, and techniques of evaluation. Prerequisite: 131. 490 Independent Study in Physical Education - A, W, Sp 1-3 hours Independent study by major students of advanced standing toward the understanding and appreciation of problems in Physical Education. This course is intended to give the student the opportunity to develop skills in the use of literature, and in the appropriate techniques in the solutions of problems. 493 Evaluation in Physical Education - Sp 3 hours A study of existing programs of evaluation for physical education programs with considera– tion given to techniques of test administration and the organization and interpretation of data collected. Prerequisite: 131