1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College A. ENGLISH LANGUAGE 120 English Grammar and Syntax -A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours Emphasis is placed on a study of English grammar syntax and mechanics; vocabular build– ing. 130 Principles of Composition - A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours Writing is chiefly expository with emphasis on organizing library materials and the writing of the library paper. 220 Practicum in Journalism -A, W, Sp 1-3 hours Individual workshop experience in preparing copy for, or co-ordinating, campus publica– tions. Repeatable. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. 221 Principles of Journalism - A 5 hours Fundamentals of collecting, evaluating, writing, copyreading, editing, and headlining mate– rial for stories, features, and editorials. May count toward the English major. 223 Advance Rhetoric and Composition - W, Sp 3 hours Advanced study and practice of phrase writing, emphasis on diction, style, and organiza– tion. Open to any student who desires greater compentency in writing. 302 Creative Writing - W, Sp 3 hours An emphasis on writing the short story and poetry to help the student perfect his own style. 305 The English language - Sp 5 hours Emphasis on the historical development of the English language and its structure as described by the structural and generative grammars. Required of all English majors. (Alternate, even year) 306 Principles of linguistics - W 5 hours An introduction to the basic linguistic concepts and an introduction to synchronic and dia- chronic approaches to the study of language. (Alternate, odd years) 307 Advanced Grammar for Secondary English Teachers - W 5 hours A review of traditional grammar with emphasis on current methods of grammatical analy– sis. Required of all majors with English as a teaching field. Field experience in teaching lan– guage is included. Prerequisite: 305 or 306. 352 Developmental Reading - S 5 hours Includes basic philosophies, current practices, testing and evaluation for reading disabilities and correction, and methods and material utilized in the prescriptive teaching of basic reading skills in the English content area in secondary schools. Field and laboratory ex– periences included. Prerequisite: Admission to the Education Department. 322 Advanced Journalism - W 3 hours Advanced study of the fundamentals of journalism with emphasis on gaining experience in writing the news and producing a newspaper. Prerequisite: LL 221 or permission of the in– structor. B. WORLD, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE 230 Introduction to literature - Sp 5 hours Emphasis on developing ability to read critically and analy1ically representative examples of literary genres by appropriate criteria. Prerequisite: LL130 231, 231 B World literature -A, Su 5 hours Survey of great works of the Western world which reflect the developing continental literary and intellectual thought. Prerequisite: LL 130. Course may be repeated when content changes. 232 Mythology - W 5 hours A study of my1hologies, the theories of my1h and my1hmaking, and the development of my1h to modern times. Prerequisite: LL 130 233 Early American literature 5 hours American literature to 1830, emphasis on Bradford, Taylor, Edwards, Franklin, Bryant, Co– oper, and Irving. Prerequisite: LL 130