1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Language and Literature 234 American Romanticism 5 hours A study of American writers from 1830-1865, emphasis on Poe, Haw1horne, Melville, Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman. Prerequisite: LL 130 236 American Realism and Naturalism 5 hours American Literature from 1865-1900 with emphasis on the local color movement, Twain, James, Howells, Crance, Dreiser, and Norris. Prerequisite: LL 130 241 Early English Literature 5 hours A study of Old English and Middle English writings through Chaucer. Prerequisite: LL 130 242 English Renaissance Literature 5 hours A survey of English literature and its background with emphasis on Malory, the English Bibl,e More, Sidney, Spenser, and Elizabethan and Jacobean drama. Prerequisite: LL 130 (Alternate, even years) 331 The English Novel 3 hours A reading and critical analysis of representative novels of the period from Richardson to Hardy. Prerequisite: LL 130 (Alternate, odd years) 332 Eighteenth Century English Literature 5 hours A study of the neo-classical poetry and prose with emphasis on Dryden, Defoe, Swift, Pope, Fielding, and Goldsmith. Prerequisite: LL 130 (Alternate, odd years) 333 Seventeenth Century English Liternture 5 hours A study of the metaphysical writers, John Donne, Crashaw and Milton with an emphasis on the Miltonic trilogy. Prerequisite: LL 130 334 Nineteenth Century English Literature 5 hours A study of the major Romantic and Victorian writers, giving emphasis to Wordsworth, Col– eridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Browning, and Tennyson. Prerequisite: LL 130 335 Shakespeare - W 5 hours Representative comedies, history plays, tragedies and sonnets. Prerequisite: LL 130 338 Contemporary Literature 5 hours A study of the major writers that reflect the developing literary and intellectual thought of the twentieth century. Prerequisite: LL 130 342 American Novel 3 hours The purpose of the course is to study the historical development of the American novel and to read and to analyze the writings of major American novelists from Cooper to Faulkner. Prerequisite: LL 130 (Alternate, even years) 413 Dramatic Literature 4 hours (See Speech for description) Can be applied to meet English or Speech requirements, but not both fields for the same student. Prerequisite: LL 130 421 Literary Criticism 3 hours A study of major critical theories from ancient times to the present. Prerequisite: Any 200 or 300 level literature course. Required of all secondary and English majors. 422 English Seminar 3 hours Designed to help the student synthesize his major areas of study. Required only of all sen– ior English majors. 423 Independent Study in English 1-4 hours Independent study in a selected field with periodic conferences; for students with special interests and demonstrated ability. C.SPANISH The Foreign Language Department believes that a living language can only be properly learned as the student masters the pronunciation, develops the ability to understand both the spoken and written language, and is able to express himself intelligently in a number of situations. The general education requirement in foreign language is met by completing two years of the same modern or classical (Latin, Greek) language in high school or one year in college.