1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Music Bachelor of Arts Program REQUIREMENTS FOR A MAJOR IN MUSIC. A minimum of forty-six quarter hours of core courses, twelve hours in an elected area, completion of general edu– cation requirements and prescribed hours of electives. CORE COURSES: MU 101-111-112-113, MU 110-114-115-116, MU 212-213, MU 331, 332, and 333; MU 260 and 362 or 363; six hours of private instruction in the recital performance area and two hours of ensembles. Elected Areas: Music Theory: MU 214, 310, 311, 413 Music History: MU 334 and 335, four hours of 41 OB Applied Music: MU 214, six additional hours in the recital area and thrne hours of private instruction electives. REQUIREMENTS FOR A MAJOR IN CHURCH MUSIC. A minimum of eighty– five quarter hours in music including MU 101-111J112-113, MU 110-114-115-116, MU 212-213; MU 331, 332, 333; MU 260, 362, 363; MU 351, 353, 354, 450, 499; MU 373; ten hours of private instruction in the recital performance area and two hours of ensembles. REQUIREMENTS FOR A MINOR IN CHURCH MUSIC.A minimum of twenty– nine quarter hours including MU 260, 315, 353, 354, 373, 450 and 499. Students from other disciplines who desire a minor in church music may begin the church music course sequence in either the Sophomore or Junior year. REQUIREMENTS FOR A MINOR IN MUSIC. A minimum of twenty-nine quar– ter hours including MU 101-111-112-113, MU 110-114-115-116; a choice of one course selected from MU 331, 332, or 333; MU 260; three hours private instruc– tion, two hours of ensembles, completion of general education requirements and prescribed hours of electives. _ REQUIREMENTS FOR A TEACHING FIELD IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MUSIC. (Anyone preparing for or holding a standard elementary education certifi– cate may elect this teaching field.) Thirty-six quarter hours including MU 101-111-