1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College 112-113, MU 110-114-115-116; MU 331, 332, MU 333, MU 214, 370, and 374; One hour of ensemble and three hours of supervised teaching in elementary school music. REQUIREMENTS FOR A TEACHING FIELD IN SECONDARY SCHOOL MU– SIC. Minimum of 192 quarter hours including requirements for a teaching field in music, completion of general education and professional education courses. Vocal Emphasis: A minimum of fifty quarter hours (plus methods courses) in– cluding MU 101-111-112-113, MU 110-114-115-116; MU 331, 332, 333; MU 214, 260, 363, 373; Nine hours of private instruction and five hours of ensembles. Methods courses: MU 372 and 374. Instrumental Emphasis: A minimum of fifty quarter hours (plus methods courses) including MU 101"111-112-113, MU 110-114-115-116; MU 331, 332, 333; MU 260, 362,377; five courses selected from MU 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195; Nine hours of private instruction and five hours of ensembles. Methods courses; MU 372 and 374. General Music Emphasis: A minimum of fifty quarter hours (plus methods courses) including MU 101-111-112-113, MU 110-114-115-116; MU 331, 332, 333; MU 214, 260, 363, 373; Nine hours of private instruction and five hours of en– sembles. Methods courses: MU 372 and 374. C:')Note: The above secondary school programs may be recognized as a major teaching field by meeting the piano proficiency requirement, adding Music Theory 211-212-213, and by performing a senior recital in applied music. Bachelor of Music Education The following courses are required for the Bachelor of Music Education degree, and also for the Special Music Certificate which enables one to teach vocal, instru– mental, or general music in the schools in grades one through twelve. General Education - the same general education requirements as for the B.A. degree. No minor field of study is required. Professional Education - Psychology 160, and 260 or 270; Education 200, 201, 301, and 450. Student teaching must be at both the elementary and second– ary levels. Music Specialization - A minimum of seventy-five quarter hours is required. A senior recital must be presented. Often the specified number of applied hours will be exceeded. The following requirements are designed to provide the student with an empha– sis in each of three areas: Vocal Music, Instrumental Music and General Music. MU 101-111-112-113, MU 110-114-115-116, MU 212-213; MU 331, 332, 333; MU 260, 362 or 363; MU 214 and five courses selected from MU 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195; MU 370, 372, 373, 374, and 377 (Instrumental majors only); MU 413, Ten hours of private instruction and six hours of ensembles. Students are strongly urged to participate in performance ensembles each quarter that they are enrolled in the Department of Music. COURSES IN MUSIC THEORY 101 Thoory I --- A 3 hour11 An introduction to the basic materials and concepts of music. Fundamental harmonic pro– gression and introduction to the piano key board. Elementary ear training and dictation. Competency equivalency required of all music majors, minors and elementary education ma– jors. Open to all students.