1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Music 1 194 low String Methods - S 2 hours This course concentrates on the methods and techniques used in playing the cello and string bass. (Alternate, even years) 195 Percussion Method11- W 2 hours This course is designed to offer the student a concentration in snare drum techniques and also to introduce tympani and tuned percussion methods. (Alternate, odd years) 370 Mu11ic for Elementary Teachers - A, W, Sp, Su 4 hours Music literature and teaching aids for children, including basic music theory, development of skills on keyboard and classroom instruments and voice; music in the curriculum; teaching musical concepts. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. 372 Music lor Secondary Teacher11 - W 4 hours The history of and basis for music in the secondary curriculum; administration of the music program; methods of teaching music in large and small groups; sources of materials for in– struction. Prerequisite: MU 370. 373 Vocal Methods - W 5 hours Philosophy, objectives and techniques of offering vocal instruction at all levels with empha– sis on vocal production, pedagogical approaches, repertoire, and program building. Prereq– uisite: Two quarters of MU 185. 374 Music in the Middle School - A 3 hours A study of materials, methods of procedure, supervision, and psychological and physical aspects of teaching music in the middle school. Field trips are a requirement of this course. (Alternate, odd years) 377 The Instrumental Teacher -A 3 hour11 Philosophy, learning, processes, organizational problems, and field experience in instru– mental teaching throughout the school system. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (Alternate, even years) MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC COURSES 260 Conducting - A 3 hours The basic technique of the baton; fundamentals of score reading; conducting patterns ap– plied to elements of interpretation, tone, balance and diction. Prerequisite: Satisfactory per– formance on music placement abstract or MU 101. 362 Conducting II - W 3 hours Development of ability to interpret the larger forms of instrumental literature and to read from full score. Laboratory experience in conducting college ensembles. For majors only. Prerequisite: MU 260. 363 Conducting Ill - Sp 3 hours Development of ability to interpret the larger forms of choral literature and to read from full score. Laboratory experience in conducting college ensembles. For majors only. Prerequi– site: MU 260. 366 Pedagogy - Sp 3 hours Pedagogy in piano, organ or other major instrument. (Alternate, even years) 400 Music Seminar 2-5 hours Various topics to be offered as interest may demand. Intended for majors in music. Some typical topics: (a) 16th Century counterpoint. (b) choral arranging, (c) band arranging, (d) performance practices. Prerequisite: Permission of the Music Department. 410 Independent Study in Music -A, W, Sp 1-4 hours Research of independent study. Registration may be repeated. Prerequisite: Permission of Music Department. A - Theory and Composition B - History and Literature C - Church Music D - Music Education E - Applied Music