1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Psychology 368 Experimental Psychology - W 5 hours An introduction to the experimental method in the study of behavior. Class and laboratory work are designed to acquaint the student with the logic of science and psychology and the principles of research methodology. The student will design, carry out, and write up a re– search project. Prerequisite: PY261 369 Social Psychology - Sp 4 hours The study of the behavior of individuals as it is influenced by past and/or present interac– tions with social factors. Prerequisite: PY160 372 Psychology of Personality - W 4 hours Contemporary theories of the development, organization, and dynamics of personality. Prerequisite: PY1 60 460 Independent Study in Psychology - A, W, Sp, Su 1·4 hours Independent research to be carried out by the advanced psychology student in an area of interest and usefulness to the student. Prerequisite: Twelve quarter hours of Psychology and permission of instructor. 463 Development Psychology 4 hours Major theoretical systems relevant to developmental psychology are examined with em– phasis upon the study of cognitive, perceptual, and symbolic changes manifested in child– hood and adolescence. Prerequisite: PY160 464 Seminar in Psychology A. Literature Seminar Reports and discussions of research literature in psychology B. Special Topics Seminar Various topics to be offered as interest may demand. Some typical topics studied: (a) Physiological Psychology, (b) Sensation and Perception, (c) Motivation, (d) Clinical Psychology, (e) Group Dynamics, (f) Research Design in Psychology, (g) Behavior Problems in Children, and (h) Psycholinguistics. All psychology majors are required to take PY464A during their senior year; PY464B is available to student with advanced standing in psychology. Prerequisite: Majors or minors in Psychology and consent of instructor. 499 Psychology Internship -A, W, Sp, Su 5-15 hours Junior and Senior psychology majors who engage in psychological activity at a clinic, hos– pital, or other mental health institution may register for 5 to 15 hours credit. The approval of the Department is necessary for any proposed internship. One member of the psychology department will supervise the student's internship. The psychology department will determine the amount of credit hours that will be given for individual work experience.