1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College Professors: Donald P. Baumann, Chairman; Daniel E. Wetzel, Larry S. Helmick Associate Professors: L. Bert Frye, Lawrence N. Killian Assistant Professors: Edwin S. Braithwaite, Terry Phipps Part Time Faculty: Austin D. Elmore-Professor Emeritus The Department of Science is comprised of A) Biology, B) Fhysical Science and C) Mathematics. This Department aims to acquaint the student with the field of science and to aid him in developing clear and orderly thinking processes through the use of the techniques of science and mathematics. The department seeks to help the student to appreciate the facts of creation as studied in the physical and natural sciences. The department has as objectives to prepare students for graduate study or for further professional study in the health sciences; to prepare secondary teachers of science with a Biblical perspective of science; to serve in other types of secular employment. Experience has shown a major in Mathematics to be unique prepara– tion for seminary. Requirements for Major in Biology. Forty-five quarters hours in biology, in- cluding: 104 Intro. to Cell Biology ......................................................................5 115 General Zoology ............................................................................5 134 General Botany..............................................................................5 303 Ecology .........................................................................................5 306 Genetics ........................................................................................5 Electives in Biology ...............................................................................20 Additional requirements 151 , 152 General Chemistry .................................................................8 153 Qualitative Analysis ....................................................................... .4