1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Science and Mathematics Requirements for Minor in Mathematics. Twenty-five quarter hours of mathe– matics courses, including Mathematics 281, 282, 283 and at least one 300 or 400 level course. Requirements for Minor in Physics. Twenty-five quarter hours of physics from Physics 271, 272, 273, 276, 378, and 379. PROGRAM Cedarville College, in cooperation with The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy, offers a five-year program for pre-pharmacy students. In this program the student attends Cedarville College for one or two years and, upon acceptance to the College of Pharmacy, attends Ohio State University for the remainder of the five-year period. After satisfactory completion of this program, the student will re– ceive a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy degree from Ohio State University. De– tailed information on this program is available from Cedarville College or from The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy, 5500 West Twelfth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210. RECOMMENDED FOR THE PRE 0 PHARMACY PROGRAM Freshman Year Autumn Winter Spring Old Testament Survey, BE 101 5 Bible Elective, BE 5 Grammar and Syntax, LL 120 5 General Zoology, SM 115 5 General Chemistry, SM 151-152 4 4 Qualitative Analysis, SM 153 4 Introduction to Analysis, SM 184, 185 5 5 Social Science Elective, SS 3 3 3 17 17 17 Sophomore Year Bible Elective, BE 3 3 General Physics, SM 271-272-273 5 5 5 Principles of Economics, BE 231 5 Organic Chemistry, SM 257-258-259 5 4 5 Analytic Geometry and Calculus, SM 281 5 Vertebrate Zoology, SM 213 5 18 17 15 Third Through Fifth Year 150 quarter hours at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy: Required common core 119 hours Selected program option 23 hours Professional practice Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmaceutics Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry Pharmacology Electives 8 hours DEPARTMENTAL COURSES 120 Introduction to Computer Programming 1 hour A three-week course in which the use of the computer, as an educational tool, is stressed. Each student will learn the basic principles of programming and will be required to write se– veral simple programs relating to his academic major. Time-sharing facilities will be available for program debugging and execution.