1980-1981 Academic Catalog
56 Cedarville College B. PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION 220 Introduction to Philosophy - A, Sp, Su 5 hours A survey of the principal issues in western philosophy, covering such areas as Epistemol– ogy, Metaphysics, Aesthetics, and the major systems of philosophy. 221 History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy - A 5 hours A survey of men and movements in Greek and Christian Philosophy from Thales to Aqui– nas. Select, representative writings of the philosophers will be read. Prerequisite: BE 220 (Alternate, even years) 222 History of Modern Philosophy - W 5 hours A study of the principal philosophers from Descartes through Nietzsche. The development of rationalism and empiricism with the Kantian synthesis and its results will be emphasized. Prerequisite: BE 220 (Alternate, even years) 225 Ethics - W 5 hours A study and evaluation of the major theories of goodness, obligation, and motive with the development of a consistent Christian theory of value and obligation. 226 Religion and Culture - Sp 5 hours An introduction to religious issues, themes and alternatives as they emerge in the historical context of Eastern and Western culture. 322 Logic - W 5 hours A study of the principles of correct and fallacious reasoning involved in traditional logic and modern logic. (Alternate, odd years) 325 Philosophy of Religion - W 3 hours An analysis of the major philosophical problems relating to religion as these have arisen in the modern intellectual milieu. 420 Independent Study in Philosophy-A, W, Sp, Su 1-4 hours The student will investigate a significant topic of Philosophy of special interest with a view toward integration of knowledge. 423 Contemporary Philosophy - Sp 5 hours A survey of the more significant European and American philosophies of the twentieth cen– tury. Primary consideration will be given to existentialism, pragmatism, and analytic philoso- phies. Prerequisite: BE 220 (Alternate, even years) 429 Seminar in Philosophy - Sp 3 hours Individual and group research in the area of Christian theistic philosophers and the impli- cations of their views toward an analysis of contemporary culture. (Alternate, odd years) C. THEOLOGY 230 Theology Survey - A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours A survey of the great doctrines of the Christian faith designated to help establish the student in the Word of God. 233 Bible Geography and Customs - S 5 hours A geographical survey of the Bible lands with stress upon the topography and cultural dis– tinctives in their historical context. 332 Biblical Interpretation - W, Su 3 hours A detailed study of the basic principles of Bible interpretation. 333 Christian Evidences and Apologetics - A, Sp, Su 3 hours A study of the basis for and the nature of the evidences for Christianity. Stress is placed on the idea of Biblical revelation and its use in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel. 335 Bibliology and Theology Proper - W 4 hours A study of Bibliology, the doctrine of the Scriptures, with emphasis upon its revelation, in– spiration, canonicity, and illumination; and Theology proper, the doctrine of the being of God, with attention given to His existence, attributes, trinitarian relationships, and decrees. 336 Angelogy and Anthropology - S 4 hours A study of Angeloogy, the doctrine of the unfallen angels, the fallen angels, and Satan; and Anthropology, the doctrine of man, with stress on his creation, constitution, fall and sinful condition.
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