1981-1982 Academic Catalog
58 11-301 Advanced Accounting - Sp 4 hours A study of consolidated financial statements, foreign ex– change, insurance, estates and trusts, branch accounting, and re– lated problems. Prerequisite: 11-202 Intermediate Accounting. (Alternate, even years). 11-302 Federal Income Taxes - A 4 hours Proper preparation of federal income tax returns for individu– als, pattnerships, and corporations. Ability to do research in this area is stressed. Prerequisite: 11-102 Principles of Accounting. (Alternate, even years) 11-303 Cost Accounting - A 5 hours Principles of industrial and distribution cost accounting, job order and process cost systems, and standard costs. Prerequisite: 11-102 Principles of Accounting. (Alternate, odd years) 11-304 Auditing - Sp 5 hours Purpose and advantages of the different types of audits; duties and responsibilities of an auditor, audit practice, procedure, and reports. Prerequisite: 11-121 Introduction to Data Processing, 11-202 Intermediate Accounting, 11-212 Quantitative Methods. (Alternate, odd years) 11-305 Fund Accounting- W 4 hours Accounting and reporting principles, standards, and proce– dures applicable to not-for-profit organizations.Prerequisite: 11- 201 Intermediate Accounting. (Alternate, even years) BUSINESS EDUCATION 11-112 Introduction to Business -A 2 hours A broad survey of the American business system. All phases of the business administration curriculum are surveyed. This in– cludes accounting, management, marketing, finance, and eco– nomics along with career opportunities and current events. 11-211, 11-212 Quantitative Methods -A, W, Sp 4 hours each quarter An introduction to quantitative methods used in business deci– sion making. Topics include probability, sampling, estimation re– gression, correlation, and time-series analysis. 11-216 Business Communications-A, W, Sp 3 hours A preparation for the skill of originating all types of business letters, reports, memoranda, and other media of communication. 11-217 Real Estate Principles - W 4 hours Fundamental principles and theories of real estate are covered including the law of licensing, regulations regarding advertising, financing, settlements, codes of ethics, and the market cycle. The social and economic impact of real estate in modern society is stressed. Factors affecting real estate such as urban land econom– ics, city planning, urban development regulations of land use, principles of value and real estate evaluation, ownership, nature and classification of land, management of property, law, and market analysis are examined. (Alternate, even years) 11-218 Real Estate Law - W 4 hours Legal aspects of real estate as they pertain to the sale, purchase, and management of real property. Titles, deeds, restrictions, agreements of sale, mortgages, liabilities for injuries, brokerage law, and judgments and liens are also examined. The student stu– dies Ohio real estate law, including rights incident to property ownership and management, agency contracts, and application to real estate transfer conveyancing, probate proceedings, trust deeds, and foreclosure, general real estate forms, as well as recent legislation governing real estate transactions. (Alternate, even years) 11-311 Business Law-A 5 hours A study of contracts, sales, bailments, negotiable instruments, agency, employer-employee relationships, partnerships, corpo– rations, insurance, and property. 11-313 Government and Business - W 4 hours A study of the governmental agencies and their effect on Amer– ican business. Case studies and current events are developed to show the trends and status of various laws and regulations. The economic impact and difficulties which arise in managing a busi– ness are reviewed. Prerequisite: 11-231, 11-232 Principles of Economics. 11-319 Calculus for Business - Sp 3 hours The concepts of differential and integral calculus which have found wide application in business and economics. Prerequisite: 71-184 Introduction to Analysis. COMPUTER SCIENCE 11-121 Introduction to Data Prncessing-A, Sp 3 hours Basic principles and procedures of manual, mechanical, and electronic data processing systems.
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