1981-1982 Academic Catalog
6 learning. All professions require constant reading and study to keep abreast of new developments in the field. The professional person who studies diligently to keep up with current practice is usually recognized as a leader in his profession. The Christian college graduate is often called upon to exercise a leadership role not only in a professional way, but also in the local church. The administration, faculty and staff are committed to helping the stu– dent achieve these goals. The money and effort invested in educa– tion at Cedarville can pay high dividends throughout life. The purpose of Cedarville College is to offer its students an ed– ucation consistent with Biblical truth. To achieve this purpose the college seeks to accomplish the fol– lowing objectives: 1. To undergird the student in the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and to stimulate him to evaluate knowledge in the light of Scriptural truth. 2. To encourage growth in Christian character in each student, and to help the student accept his responsibility in faithful Christian service. 3. To increase the student's awareness ofthe world ofideas and events which are influencing our contemporary culture and to prepare the student to knowledgeably participate in our soci– ety. 4. To enable the student to develop sound critical and analytical reasoning. 5. To provide sufficient opportunitiesfor students to practice the skills ofcommunication. 6. To offer opportunities for academic specialization and prepa– ration for graduate study, and to assist the student in selecting and preparing for a vocation. 7. To foster the student's appreciation of, and participation in, wholesome avocational and cultural activities. Location The natural beauty of the gentle, rolling countryside provides an excellent setting. Cedarville College is conveniently located in the rural community of Cedarville, Ohio, which is near a large metropolitan area of one-half million people. The college-cen– tered community is within easy driving distance of beautiful state parks, as well as large and medium-sized cities such as Colum– bus, Dayton, Springfield, Cincinnati, and Xenia. The students find excellent opportunities for worship, practical Christian service, and employment in all of the communities in the area. History Cedarville College has a rich heritage. It was established by the Reformed Presbyterian Church and individuals who had a vital in– terest in the spiritual welfare of young people. The college was chartered by the State of Ohio on January 26, 1887. During the early days, as now, Christian principles and conduct were stressed as indicated by the following quotation from a former president. "Above all, Cedarville College believes that culture of the mind without the nurture and growth of spiritual life is a mis– take. Education without morality is a menace to the state ... ac– cordingly, the Bible is the textbook of the college." In 1953 the operation of the college was transferred to the Trus– tees of Baptist Bible Institute of Cleveland with the goal of enlarg– ing the institute's ministry. The name, Cedarville College, was retained. The college, now an approved school of the General As– sociation of Regular Baptist Churches, continues to perpetuate the original purpose of its founders. In 1959 student enrollment began to increase dramatically, and the college was able to expand both faculty and facilities. During this period of dramatic growth, the objectives which have sym– bolized the college and its spirit through the years have been strengthened. The tower of "Old Main" represents our link with the past, its foundations, and traditions; the cedars symbolize life and growth. The Cedarville College family feels that this growth has brought us to the threshold of an even greater ministry as the col– lege moves forward with new faith and vision.
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