1981-1982 Academic Catalog
60 11-354 Management Science - S 4 hours An introduction to linear programming, transportation and as– signment problems, networ~ flow problems.' and inven.tory sys– tems. The linear programmmg, transportation and a~stgnment, network flow, and inventory models are solved and their use d~m onstrated by various applications. Prerequisite: 11-212 Quantita– tive Methods. (Alternate, even years) MARKETING 11-261 Principles of Marketing -A, W, Sp 4 hours A survey of distribution functions, middlemen and channels of trade, competition, price policies, market planning, market re– search, and consumer problems. 11-263 Principles of Advertising- W 4 hours Principles and procedures in modern advertising including analysis of products, buyer attitudes, media, layout, and copy. 11-361 Sales Management -A 4 hours Techniques, principles, and practices in personal selling, and a discussion of the principles of organization, supervision, and con– trol of the selling function. Prerequisite: 11-261 Principles of Marketing. (Alternate, odd years) 11-362 Marketing Management - Sp 4 hours Factors involved in the management of the marketing function relative to product development, promotion, pricing, physical distribution, and the determination ofmarketing objectives within the framework of the marketing system and available markets. Prerequisite: 11-261 Principles of Marketing. (Alternate, even years) 11-363 Marketing Research - Sp 4 hours The techniques for gathering and appraising. information needed in marketing planning and control are exammed - espe– cially the development of primary marketing data through survey and observation. Prerequisite: 11-261 Principles of Marketing and 11-211 Quantitative Methods. (Alternate, odd years) FINANCE 11-171 Personal Finance -Sp 4 hours The position of the consumer. in the m~rketpla~e; practices in consumer efficiency in plannmg, buymg,, usmg schedu_les, budgeting, bank accounts, charge accounts, mstallment buymg, borrowing, saving, insurance, income tax preparation, and n;iain– tenance and conservation of consumer goods are emphasized. Special attention is given to housing, the automobi!e, medical and legal services, leisure pursuits, government services, and other major consumer purchases. 11-173 Church Financial Management-W 3 hours A study of the principles and procedures of the financial man– agement of the local church o!ganizat~on. This cou.rse is d.esign~d for both business and nonbusmess majors. The topics of fmancial record keeping, purchasing, financing, building proje.c~s, finan– cial reports, insurance, property management, advert1smg, pas– tor's salary, pensions, social security, housing, investment, and church organization are treated. 11-371 Business Finance -A, Sp 4 hours A study of the practical and theoretical a~pects o~ financial de– cision making. Topics include cost of capital, capital structure, management of current assets, capit~l. budgeting, ~ou;ces of funds, and statement analysis. Prerequ1s1te: 11-102 Pnnc1ples of Accounting and 11-212.Quantitative Methods. SECRETARIAL ADMINISTRATION 11-181, 11-182, 11-183 Typing-A, W, Sp 3 hours each quarter Keyboard mastery with emphasis on correct techniques, devel– opment of speed and accuracy, and emphasis upon typing prob– lems involving letter styles, business forms, reports, manu– scripts, and tables. 11-184, 11-185, 11-186 Shm·thand-A, W, Sp 3 hours each quarter Introduction to Gregg Shorthand Diamond Jubilee Series, em– phasizing basic principles, brief forms, phrasing, and develop– ment of speed and accuracy. 11-188 Office Machines -A, Sp 3 hours Instruction and practice in operation of modern office machines and equipment including adding, duplicating, c.alculating, and transcribing machines. Prerequisite: 11-181 Typmg. 11-281, 11-282 Dictation and Transcription-A, W 3 hours each quarter Emphasis upon building vocabulary, sustained writing peri– ods, and mailable transcription. Prerequisite: 11-185 Shorthand.
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