1981-1982 Academic Catalog
90 51-335 Symphonic Literature - W 4 hours A survey of orchestral music from the classical period to the present. Prerequisite: 51-311 Form and Analysis or permission of the instructor. (Alternate, odd years) CHURCH MUSIC 51-253 Song Leading-Sp 3 hours Hymn conducting, duties of a song leader, and an evaluation of Protestant church music. Recommended for all future pastors and church workers. (Alternate, odd years) 51-351 Philosophy and Administration of Church Music– W 5 hours A formulation of a personal church philosophy, and an introduction to the organization and activities of the total church music ministry. 51-353 Materials and Methods of Graded Choirs -Sp 3 hours The establishment of the graded choir system in the local church, giving emphasis to methods and materials. Prerequi– site: 51-351 Philosophy and Administration of Church Music. (Alternate, odd years) 51-354 Hymnology- W 5 hours A historical survey of Christian hymnody; consideration of criteria for judging texts and tunes with an emphasis upon their practical use in the worship service.(Alternate, even years) 51-450 Choral Literature Laboratory - Sp 2 hours A reading laboratory for the purpose of surveying and evaluat– ing choral literature for use in the church.(Alternate, odd years) 51-499 Church Musiclntemship-A, W, Sp, Su 5-15 hours Senior church music majors and minors engage in church mus– ic activity in a local church under the supervision of one faculty member of the Department of Music. The department determines the number of credit hours that will be given. MUSIC EDUCATION 51-187 High Brass Methods -A 2 hours A Historical background, pedagogical and performance tech- niques of trumpet and French horn. (Alternate, odd years) 51-188 Low Brass Methods -A 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance tech– niques of trombone, baritone, and tuba. (Alternate, even years) 51-191 Woodwind Methods-(Single Reed)-A 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance tech– niques of clarinet, saxophone, and flute. (Alternate, odd years) 51-192 Woodwind Methods -(Double Reed)-A 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance tech– niques of oboe and bassoon. (Alternate, even years) 51-193 High String Methods-Sp 2 hours Concentration on violin and viola performance techniques in- cluding both traditional and Suzuki methods. (Alternate, odd years) 51-194 Low String Methods -Sp 2 hours Concentration on the methods and techniques used in playing the cello and string bass. (Alternate, even years) 51-195 Percussion Methods - W 2 hours Concentration iB snare drum techniques and an introduction to tympani and tuned percussion methods. (Alternate, odd years) 51-370 Music for Elementary Teachers-A, W, Sp 4hours Music literature and teaching aids for children, including basic music theory, development of skills on keyboard and classroom instruments and voice; music in the curriculum; teaching musical concepts. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. 51-372 Music for Secondary Teachers - W 4 hours The history of and basis for music in the secondary curriculum; administration of the music program; methods of teaching music in large and small groups; sources of materials for instruction Pre– requisite: 51-370 Music for Elementary Teachers. 51-373 Vocal Methods - W 5 hours Philosophy, objectives, and techniques of offering vocal in– struction at all levels with emphasis on vocal production, peda– gogical approaches, repertoire, and program building. Prerequi– site: Two quarters of 51-185 Voice Class. 51-374 Music in the Middle School-A 3 hours A study of materials, methods of procedure, supervision, and psychological aspects of teaching music in the middle school. Field trips are a requirement of this course.(Altemate, odd years) 51-377 The Instrumental Teacher -A 3 hours Philosophy, learning processes, organizational problems, and field experience in instrumental teaching throughout the school system. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (Alternate, even years)
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