1982-1983 Academic Catalog
71-303 Introduction to Ecology - Sp 5 hours A study of the interrelations of plant and animal life and their environments. Frequent field trips. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: 71-115 General Zoology or 71-134 General Botany. (Alternate, odd years) 71-306 Genetics - W 5 hours A study of the principles of heredity and their application to plant, animal, and human life. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: 71-114 Introduction to Biol– ogy and 71-184 Introduction to Analysis. 71-311 Vertebrate Embryology 5 hours .A study of.the initiation ~nd development of tissues and organs ~1th emphasis on embryomc development of vertebrates, includ– mg the human. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: 71-115 General Zoology. (Alternate, odd years) 71-336 Plant Physiology 5 hours A st~dy of the unique physiological processes of plant life. These mclude plant and soil-water relationships, mineral nutri– tion, photosynthesis, and mechanisms that enable plants to coor– dinate their growth and development in response to environmen– tal stimuli. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: 71-134 General Botany and 71-257 Organic Chemistry. (Alternate, odd years) 71-400 Independent Study in Biology 1-4 hours Independent experimental study involving a particular biologi– cal phenomenon. Submission and approval of a research proposal must precede registration. Prerequisite: Major in biology and permission of advisor. 71-436 Radiation Biology - Sp 5 hours The effects of ionizing radiation on biological systems and methods of using radioisotopes. Introductory material on radia– ~ion physics and dosimetry is included. The laboratory exercises mtroduce the student to basic instrumentation and techniques in the safe handling of radioisotopes. The course may be applied to either a biology or a chemistry major. Three lectures and two 3- hour labora~ori~s per week. Prerequisite: One year of chemistry, one course m biology, one course in mathematics. (Alternate, odd years) 107 CHEMISTRY 71-151, 71-152, 71-153 General Chemistry 4 hours each quarter Fm.1damental facts ~nd principles of chemisty. Quantitative techmques are stressed m the laboratory during the first two quar– ters. Laboratory emphasis is on qualitative analysis during the third quarter. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. 71-254 Quantitative Analysis -A 4 hours A study of the theory, techniques, and calculations involved in gravimetric and volumetric analysis of inorganic substances. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: 71-152 General Chemistry. (Alternate, even years) 71-255 Analytic Chemistry- W 4 hours A continuation.of Quantitative Analysis, with emphasis on in– strumental analysis. Two lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: 71-254 Quantitative Analysis. (Alternate, even years) 71-351, 71-352, 71-353 Organic Chemistry 4 hours winter quarter . 5 hours autumn and spring quarters . A detailed study of the general principles, aliphatics, aroma– tics, natural products, etc. Emphasis is placed on mechanism. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: 71-152 General Chemistry. 71-356 Biochemistry - Sp 5 hours A stu.dy of ~arbo~ydrat~s, lipids, proteins, and nucleoproteins and their relationship to hfe and metabolic processes. Four lec– tures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: 71-351 Organic Chemistry. (Alternate, even years) 71-450 Independent Study in Chemistry 1-4 hours Independent experimental study of some chemical phenome– non. 71-451, 71-452, 71-453 Physical Chemistry 4 hours autumn and winter quarters 3 hours spring qwnitt A study of the properties of chemical systems, including the fundamental~ of thermodynamics, chemical dynamics, and quan– tum mechamcs. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: 71-254 Quantitative Analysis or 71-273 Gen– eral Physics. (Alternate, odd years)
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