1982-1983 Academic Catalog

118 91-460 Seminar in Political Science -Sp 5 hours Students carry out individual research projects dealing with the study of government and politics from a normative and/or an em– pirical perspective. 91-461 Political Dynamics -A 3 hours ft,o.n analysi.s of public opinion, interest groups, political parties, votmg behav10r; a study of the formation of political attitudes and their impact on the political process. Prerequisite: 91-261 Ameri– can National Government. (Alternate years) 91-463 American Constitutional Law - Sp 4 hours Some of the most important "landmark" decisions handed down by the United States Supreme Court.(Alternate years) 91-465 Comparative European Govemment-W 3 hours An examination and comparison of the major European governments, such as those of England, France, and Russia, with that of the United States. (Alternate years) 91-468 History of Political Thought-Ancient - W 3 hours A study of early political theory with special attention to Plato, Aristotle, and Augustine. Stress is on the reading and analysis of original texts. (Alternate years) 91-469 History of Political Thought-Modem -Sp 3 hours A historical development of political thought from Machiavelli ~o the present. An examination of representative contemporary ideas on the nature of the state, anarchism, communism facism socialism, conservatism, and democracy. ' ' (Alternate, even years)