1982-1983 Academic Catalog
the ethical theories of debate and attempts to allow the student to become involved in national issues as well. The course is repeat– able to a total of six credit hours. 81-323 Organizational Communication - Sp 3 hours A study of the usage of communication for the organizational structure. The course includes parliamentary procedure, prob– lem-solving, discussion, and committee structures for the person potentially involved in either private or corporate organizations. The course also includes theory and practice in both inter- and intra-organizational communication. 81-330 Advanced Broadcast Clinic- W 4 hours An advanced workshop in radio which is repeatable to a total of six hours. Prerequisite: 81-230 Broadcast Clinic (Credit/ No Credit). 81-333 Broadcast Advertising and Sales - W 4 hours The sales structure of broadcasting including the roles of sales– men, sales management, and sales promotion is examined. Re– search principles are applied to sales and the creative work in ad– vertising including copywriting are explored. Prerequisite: 81-232 Theories of Mass Media. (Alternate, even years) 81-335 Advanced Broadcast Journalism - Sp 3 hours Building upon Broadcast Journalism, the course emphasizes newsgathering and reporting techniques which are unique to the electronic media. Documentaries and "in-depth" news stories will be developed by the students. Prerequisite: 81-235 Broadcast Journalism. 81-343 Principles of Play Directing - Sp 4 hours A practical study of methods used in the direction of dramatic presentations, with some practice included. The class may be especially helpful to education majors who may have to assist in student theatre productions. 81-344 Religious Drama - Sp 3 hours Various forms of religious drama are examined and analyzed in relation to Biblical truth, quality of writing, and performance pos– sibility. The values of drama in the church are discussed in rela– tion to playwright, director, and actor. 81-345 Writing for Oral Interpretation - W 3 hours The student receives practical study in the acquiring, adapting, and writing of literature suitable for oral reading. 81-350 Homiletics 5 hours 125 Practice in the skills necessary for the preparation and delivery of sermons of the topical, textual, and expository modes, along with a study of the theory that is involved. Students participate in speaking situations. Prerequisite: 81-110 Fundamentals of Speech and 21-260 The Inductive Method of Bible Study; junior or senior status. 81-353 History of Pulpit Oratory - W 3 hours The development of homiletic systems is studied with em– phasis upon great preachers throughout history. Trends and styles in sermon presentation will be examined. 81-360 Teaching Speech-A, Sp 2 hours To be taken by majors seeking certification in speech, the course involves discussion of methods directly related to the speech discipline. The course is supplemental to 31-316 Methods of Teaching. 81-365 Clinical Methods in Teaching Speech-A, W, Sp 2 hours Students seeking certification for teaching speech will gain classroom experience. Twenty classroom hours will equal l cred– it hour. Assignments will be supervised by department staff mem– bers. (Credit/No Credit). 81-411 History of Public Address -A 5 hours Classical rhetorical systems and theories are studied from the perspective of the rhetorical critic. The development of rhetoric is traced from the Greek period to the present and the student is en– couraged to develop further expertise on a particular period of his or her own choice. Analysis is made of the part rhetoric has played in the development of philosophies and nations. Required for majors. 81-420 Advanced Intercollegiate Debating-A, W, Sp 2 hours Varsity intercollegiate competition in debate is repeatable to six credit hours. Prerequisite: 81-320 Intercollegiate Debate. 81-430 Internship in Broadcasting-A, W, Sp, Su 12-15 hours 81-431 Internship in Communications -A, W, Sp, Su 12-15 hours 81-432 Mass Media Law and Regulation - W 4 hours Development of First Amendment protections and present legal requirements for media are studied. Emphasis is placed upon court decisions on First Amendment freedoms for both
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