1982-1983 Academic Catalog

134 moral character, academic potential, and demonstrated fi– nancial need. 11. Student Body Loan and Grant Fund Established by the student body to give assistance to qualified students with financial need. 12. John W. Bickett Heritage Fund. Established by the Heritage Alumni and named for Reverend John Wilson Bickett who was the first member of the first graduating class in 1897 to receive his diploma. It is the de– sire of alumni to remember the early graduates who helped lay the foundation of the college. The fund is designed to as– sist junior or senior students preparing for pastoral or mis– sionary service and planning to further their education in seminary or language studies. Ohio Instructional Grants Students who are residents of Ohio may be eligible for an Ohio Instructional Grant. The high school guidance counselor or the di– rector of financial aid can supply the details on qualifications and application procedures. Grants range from $234 to $2070. Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants The federal government, through the United States Office of Education, provides funds for a limited number of students with financial need who require these grants to attend college, and who show academic or creative promise. The amount of financial as– sistance a student may receive under a Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant depends upon his need, taking into account his financial resources, those of his parents, and the cost of attending Cedarville. Grants range from $200 to $2000 a year and must be supplemented by at least an equal amount of other assistance to the student. PELL Grants A student who is a United States citizen, or who is in the United States for other than a temporary purpose and intends to become a permanent resident, or who is a permanent resident of the Trust Tenitories of the Pacific Islands or of the Northern Mariana Is– lands, may be eligible for a federal grant under an entitlement grant program sponsored by the federal government through the Office of Education. Students may see their high school guidance counselors or write the financial aid director for additional infor– mation. As of January 1, 1978, application for this grant can be made through the Financial Aid Form (FAF) or by submitting a separate PELL Grant application. All students with financial need are en– couraged to apply for this grant, preferably by using the Financial Aid Form (FAF).